
Gemini Yearly Forecast for 2012


2012 will be a year of glamour, intrigue, attraction and hard work, Gemini. You're adjusting to the changing times with Pluto (power/sex in your 8th House of sex, taxes and power). This could be a time when life moves at a rapid and accelerated pace, even for you. Jupiter, planet of luck, opens the year in Taurus where it remains until summer when it enters your sign in June. Additionally, there are a series of eclipses in your sign as well. It's a HUGE year for Gemini as money, the way you express yourself and anything you share with another could be hot topics, Gemini. So prepare to experience the way you view the world to slowly but surely change, not only in 2012 but over the new few years. Your take on subjects like sex, death, birth, rebirth and transformations of any kind are met with some doubt. However, you realize suddenly that your views on these subjects are gradually changing during this year. You are naturally multi dimensional so probing these intense areas is the norm for Gemini. Nothing fazes you. The big news is the planet Neptune entering your 10th House of public recognition and prestige in February. Don't get overconfident but try to remain humble, Gemini. There is a tendency with this placement to see things as we want them to be as opposed to how they actually are. Neptune will enter your 10th House of Pisces, so be on your best behavior when in the presence of VIPs, authority figures and your parents.

Additionally, last year Uranus (Surprises) entered your 11th House of friends. This is your house of friends, hopes, wishes and dreams. Prepare for the unexpected for the next 7 years as there will be surprises and things you never saw coming where certain friends, ex loves, groups with which you are affiliated and your personal hopes are involved. These areas will reveal some unexpected surprises and revelations. One day is great. The next is so-so. It's almost as though you feel stuck, restless or trapped at times. You might change your mind about something or someone overnight and certain relationships that you feel have not earned your loyalty. You end one phase of your life and enter a new and improved one. You might be feeling as though you're now able to see clearly what you want in your life, professionally and personally. This transit forms a beneficial angle to your Sun, so whatever does happen unexpectedly will be for the best. Friendships you have and the new people you meet blending in with your existing friends will please you and your ideas will inspire and entertain others.

Saturn (Restriction) has been in your 5th House of children, romance and creativity where it will remain until October when it enters your 6th House of daily routines, your health and your personal wellness. These areas will require effort on your part since this is a planet that expects you to work twice as hard as you normally would. When Venus is in your sign, you don't have to work too hard for anything but Saturn is not as loving as Venus is. You might face delays when it comes to the aforementioned areas but the purpose of this transit is to learn to build a solid structure, piece by piece, brick by brick, and will also demand that overtime is required. Approach these areas head on and put forth the effort and responsibility that is being asked of you. This will produce the best results, Gemini.

Bottom Line for Gemini: Get through the first six months of the year and by summer, you should be the one that is fortunate, personally and professionally as Jupiter enters your sign for an entire year. It will be a year of travel. People from distant countries and foreign places will hold strong appeal. You can expect to have enormous opportunities within your chosen field and with potential romantic partners, if single. If coupled, this year will draw you closer to your love interest. You will try and make more time for your love as well. It's a time when you are learning how important love really is to you and your partner will appreciate the efforts you make. During this period it will be extremely important to guard both your professional and personal lives with caution. Take advantage of any and all opportunities presented to you. You won't be sorry, Gemini.

The signs of Cancer and Capricorn will play important roles in a significant and life changing year.