
Sagittarius April Forecast


The Sun transits your 5th House of passion, adventure and a strong desire to take risks that could very well pay off, Sagittarius. The fun begins on April 4th, as Mercury (Communications) turns direct where it clears up the hassles of the past few weeks. Now is the time to travel, sign contracts and negotiate your way into the hearts and minds of those you wish to impress. There will be numerous opportunities presented to you this month, so pay attention around April 3rd, when Venus (Love) enters Gemini and your 7th House of marriage, serious business contracts and could bring positive news regarding a potential legal matter, Sagittarius. It seems as suddenly everything falls back into place and you feel elated by the events that transpire this month, personally and professionally.

A Full Moon occurs in the sign of Libra on April 6th. You could feel powerful and intoxicated by your social life this month. Opportunities to spend time with your favorite friends will be everywhere on this date. You notice a powerful connection to close friends as your social life lights up and so does your romantic life. Suddenly on or around this date, you are popular, in demand and everyone's best friend. Who can blame them, Sagittarius?  

Pluto (Transformation) turns retrograde in Capricorn on April 10th, in your 2nd House of income. This transit could find your financial matters seeming stagnant, but you need to realize that this is temporary and this transit asks that you rethink, review or re-evaluate how you view what you own and what money really means to you on a deeper level, Sagittarius. You might be surprised to learn that the way you view money matters is changing on a  profound level. What worked for you yesterday might need to be re-thought, changed or you might be seeking something new, career wise. Money: how you earn it, spend and save are due for a transformation and you might be surprised to learn that you're already changing your attitude about money.    

Everything comes together on April 14th, when Mars planet of energy and physical vitality turns direct in Virgo, lightening the mood for everyone and bringing a sense of vitality and energy to your daily life. You should notice a shift in not only your life but that of those closest to you, Sagittarius.

A New Moon occurs on April 21st in the sign of Taurus and finds you ultra concerned with your daily work, your health and your personal wellness which will be areas that demand your undivided attention, Sagittarius. You might have to work longer hours, or you might be thinking about a radical change in your career. Your health and wellness could be subjects that may be brought to your immediate attention. Whatever transpires on this date could be initially jolting but it will let you know where you stand in regards to your health and employment.

The signs of Aries and a Libra will play loyal and loving roles in your month, Sagittarius. An Aries will love you no matter what you do while a Libra will make you think about your home life and the possible need to make space for visitors. You can count on an Aries and a Libra to stand by your side and be your loyal friends and perhaps more.