
Aries 2013 Yearly Forecast/Horoscope

 Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball

As the year opens, The Sun transits your 10th House of career, prestige and professional advancement. During January and throughout 2013, your career could undergo many changes, for the better. You might consider a change of careers, make a greater commitment to the position you hold now or begin in a completely new and different field, as a new door opens unexpectedly for you professionally. One thing is certain as your year begins, Aries. You can expect January to be a time when you are feeling fortunate and grateful for what you do have and financially be feeling more secure as well. Remember that being grateful brings about more abundance, whereas panicking and doubt create chaos and drama. The more spiritually centered you are this year, the more abundance will come your way in all areas.  

Pluto (Transformation/slow but powerful change) has been in your 10th House of prestige, career advancement and recognition since 2008. By now, most Aries have adjusted to this small but powerful planet in their 10th House. You could have been laid off from a long time job, began a new professional endeavor or made some tremendous changes in your career. Pluto demands that your career transforms on some level in order that something better or more satisfying can replace it. This transit has been known to create some headaches and heartache, but one thing remains certain. You will find that this part of your life needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Those Aries who resist professional changes thrust upon them suddenly will need to adapt to the unexpected and unforeseen changes occurring in their career. The more you accept what can't be changed, the happier you will be. Your career WILL transform during this long and lengthy transit, Aries.  Areas in your life regarding your own prestige, public recognition from peers and dealing with those in power are all due for some major changes.  Be aware that you could reach the peak of your career or you could change course completely during this prolonged transit. The purpose of Pluto is to tear down in order to rebuild. Aries tends to be impatient, so the best way to navigate through this time is to learn patience via a higher power, whatever that might be for you, Aries. If you do not have belief in a higher power (again, Aries, this does not necessarily pertain to organized religion), this year might bring a change of heart in this regard. Have faith that whatever transpires does so for a good reason. With Neptune in your 12th House, the idea of psychology and your own untapped potential will be areas that cross your conscious mind in 2013. Be open to confiding in someone such as a therapist, close friend or someone who feels compatible and empathetic with you on an unconditional level. It's time to become friendly with your spiritual side, however you define it. 

Neptune (What is hidden) transits Pisces and your 12th House of secrets. You could find the secrets of others coming to your attention during this time. You will be revisiting your worldviews and noticing that the way you view life is changing rapidly throughout 2013. It will be in your best interest to choose your friends wisely. You will learn who you can and cannot trust in 2013, Aries. This might be a good time to engage in therapy, self-examination and self-expression. These areas may seem shrouded in mystery but you find that you have the ability to confront them and you navigate more easily through Neptune's trickery. The 12th House represents seclusion and privacy, while Neptune represents what is hidden. While Neptune transits Pisces, you can feel your intuition growing at an accelerated pace and you experience a sense or feeling of being psychic.

Saturn (Lessons/Structures) continues its transit of your 8th House of money, sex and taxes. These are areas that are encountered everyday by everyone. However common they may be, these issues will become of paramount concern to you in 2013. Your mind will be on money and how you save it and spend it. It is never a bad idea to erase any debt during this transit. You need to pay careful attention to your finances throughout Saturn in Scorpio. Pay off your debt, deal with taxes (however higher and annoying) and try to practice the art of saving. It's always a good idea to pay for your needs in cash as opposed to a line of credit. Saturn in Scorpio will also ask you if you have learned lessons regarding your sex life, Aries. How you express yourself in your sexual relationship, how you deal with privacy, how you spend your money or the money of others: all properties of the 8th House will bring lessons where lessons need to be learned.  

Jupiter (Prosperity/Expansion) transits the compatible sign of Gemini and your 3rd House of communication, neighbors and siblings until early June. You notice movement, luck and expansion through your communication skills, via work, siblings and your neighbors. In June, Jupiter enters your 4th House of home, family and where you live. Expect the emphasis to turn to all things  "home" for you beginning in the summer of 2013. This will be a time of great expansion in a positive way, Aries. Jupiter is considered a fortunate planet in Astrology and it is believed to bring about luck and good fortune to your life. In your 4th House of Cancer, you find home life to be more fulfilling and joyful than you have in ages, Aries. And that says a lot.  

Your best times for love in 2013 are when Venus transits your sign or transits a compatible element of your sign. Below are your best times for love in 2013, Aries:

3/21 - 4/15: Venus in Aries

6/27 - 7/22: Venus in Leo

10/7 - 11/5: Venus in Sagittarius

 It's a year of leadership, new beginnings and exploring uncharted territory.  

Copyright © 2012 Elizabeth Ellis