
Libra November Horoscope

LIBRA:  As you enter November, you begin to grasp the big picture of some of the issues you've been dealing with these past few months. Your intellect is energized. You might also plan a vacation and do more travelling, as long as that is something that stimulates your mind. You could get involved in a spiritual or political group or some type of organization that you find interesting. Once Venus (planet of love) goes direct in Scorpio after the 18th, you will notice the differences between you and your partners, especially where money is concerned. This direct movement will also show you simultaneously the similarities between you and your closest friends and relationships. A romantic attraction could be taken to the next level when you suddenly realize how much you have in common. An Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will play key roles. 

With three planets - Jupiter (luck), Venus (love) and Uranus (surprises) - forming beneficial angles to your tenth house, the career sector of your chart, you will find that you are in a strong position professionally. Other people, peers, bosses and coworkers believe you're the person with the answers. Make sure you keep it that way, Libra.

On November 6, a new moon in Scorpio should bring about financial opportunities. You will also discover that your ideas and compassion play a stronger role in your romantic relationships and creative projects. Wear shades of pink and light blue to leave a lasting impression on others, Libra.