
Aquarius Monthly Horoscope for December, 2010

Mercury (communications) retrogrades from December 10th through December 30th in your 12th House of secrets, dreams and seclusion, Aquarius. Make your holiday plans on either sides of these dates, and if you are travelling, be flexible, practice patience and be sure have a back up plan.

On December 5th, a new moon in Sagittarius brings opportunities to socialize, have fun and look good while doing so. You will be very popular this month as your calendar fills up fast. This is an excellent time to forge strong bonds in new relationships. Don't skip out on any opportunity to any gathering you are invited to, Aquarius. You can meet business connections, start a new romance or meet someone destined to play a major role in your life. Refuse to say the word no, especially when it comes to invitations, Aquarius.

On December 7th, Mars will enter Capricorn in your 2nd House. This could affect you on many levels. You will be aware of accounts that are payable as well as those accounts that are receivable.  Money comes and goes freely, but you are up to being creative and innovative when it comes to making money quite quickly.

On December 21st, a lunar eclipse falls in the sign of Gemini, Your 5th House of love, children and romance in relationships is highlighted. This gives you an idea of how this eclipse will play out for you. Expect emotional experiences related to children, creativity and romance. FYI, Make sure to keep your communications with others clear and concise. Say it twice if you have to. Just make sure others don't misunderstand you.

Get ready for fun and excitement in 2011, Aquarius.

Lucky Numbers: 5, 14, 23 & 50
Most Compatible Sign: Capricorn