
Find Love in 2011

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

You're no stranger to love, sex and passion, Aries. Ruled by Mars, planet of desire and initiative, you view love as a game that you can and will win. This year you will be challenged as nothing turns you on more than a lively debate, Aries. Your sexuality is intense, fiery and hot blooded. 

Your partner will feel intoxicated by your sex appeal and will be proud to display you in public. You can dazzle others with your charming approach to love and passion in 2011. Yes, Aries, you are fabulous company. Don't be a stranger to those seeking to get close to you. You know who they are.  

You are up for anything in love during 2011 and you always pick a partner who will keep you on your feet, be quick on the uptake and love you like never before. You live for challenge more than you might be willing to admit. Playing hard to get is your speciality and you instinctively seek out a lover who secretly abides by the same rules.

You need spice in your life and sometimes you initiate an argument for the sake of excitement. The idea of a little friction or sexual tension equals eternal bliss for you in 2011.

Watch the dates of January 7th through February 4th as Venus in Sagittarius could have you and your partner seeing eye to eye on how you're really feeling about each other. Saturn turns retrograde on January 26th so you could be revisiting an issue you thought was over and done with. This period could last until June 12th.

People from other countries will be involved or you could find your worldviews have changed whereas a partners have not.  

Ideal partners and best love matches for Aries this year will be the signs of Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, Libra, Aquarius and another Aries. 

Taurus  (April 20 - May 20th)

The most romantic time for you falls between August 21st through September 14th, when Venus transits Virgo in your 5th House of love and passion. Your social life will be active as you find yourself attracted to activities that interest you and people whose company you adore.

You can gain through hobbies such as writing, art, dance, music or photography. Children can be a source of concern as you begin to think about starting a family if you don't have one already.

Serious commitment is what you desire this year and when Venus is in Scorpio (Your 7th House) from October 9th though November 2nd, you can and will get whatever you desire from your love life. 

Anyone you meet during this period will be exciting and the relationship will heat up quickly. You could get engaged, married or start a family during this transit, Taurus. Pay additional attention to May 15th through June 9th (Venus) and May 11th through June 20th (Mars).

Having Venus and Mars in your sign is especially auspicious for you. Get out and be seen during this fortunate time. You will make lasting
impressions on everyone you meet.  

Your ideal love matches for 2011 are the signs of Aries, Leo, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Sagittarius.

Gemini (May 21st - June 20th)

Your love and dating life will require serious attention in 2011, Gemini. You could surprise yourself at the level of exclusive commitment/attention you’re able to give a casual lover, date or someone you love dearly. Saturn will be in your 5th house of true love and sexual expression all year long.

The most romantic and creative times for you fall between September 14th and October 9th, 2011. Saturn will be in Libra, your 5th House of romance, dating and any creative ventures you're working on, Gemini. This transit helps you find the right structure to balance your life, creative assignments and helps you see the true meaning of love, sex and commitment.

Between June 9th through July 4th, Venus will enter your sign where it will expand the way view love and relationships for the better. We could all be seeing a serious side of Gemini this year. Expect to hear compliments on your ideas and choices when it comes to expressing love, affection and kindness to others during this time, Gemini.

Other great dates fall between January 7th through February 4th and November 2nd through November 26th, as Venus moves through your opposite sign of Sagittarius in your 7th House of true love. June will be a powerful month for you as you have Mars and Venus in your sign. This is considered very fortunate as it can turn your deepest wishes in realities whenever Venus and Mars hook up in your sign. 

You will find yourself most attracted to the signs of Aries, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces in 2011, Gemini.

Cancer (June 21st - July 22nd)

Your best time for love this year falls between October 9th through November 2nd, while Venus moves through Sagittarius, your 6th House. If you're not seriously involved before this transit ends, you most likely will be after it ends. And if you're not, it won't matter as you will be enjoying yourself and having way too much fun to care. You could find yourself consumed with a creative project that will demand a great deal of your free time and personal attention.

Excellent back up dates are July 4 through July 28th, when Venus enters your sign, Cancer. This transit during the Summer will bring you plenty of opportunities to enhance your love life and other important areas as well. You could find this to be the best time of year for you in love, sex and dating, Cancer.

Your greatest times for a serious involvement or a deeper level will occur when Venus transits your opposite sign of Capricorn and your 7th House of true love and happily ever after. Lucky you as Venus will be in Capricorn between February 4th through March 1st and November 26th through December 20th, 2010.

Talk about a second chance at love, Cancer! During this time, you and a partner could become serious, get engaged, move into together or possibly get married. Love changes everything in 2011.

You will feel most comfortable and ultra compatible with the signs of Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces this year.

Leo (July 23rd - August 22nd)

Your most romantic and creative time falls between January 7th through February 4th, when Venus enters your 5th House (Aries) of love and creativity. Saturn will be in Libra during this time and this can help you ground yourself and structure your ideas, your personal creativity and organize your life, Leo.

Excellent back up dates fall between July 28th to August 21st, when Venus is is your sign, Leo.This will be a magical time for you not only in love but in most every other area of your life. Your greatest time for a deepening commitment in an existing/ongoing relationship occur once Venus transits Aquarius and your 7th House of love and marriage.

This happens twice for you this year, Leo. Between March 1st through March 27th and then again in December from the 20th through January 14th, 2012. This is a time when love can escalate to the point of a serious commitment, taking the next step and indicates a strong possibility of getting engaged or married.

Excellent back up dates will fall between September 18th through November 11th this year.

Ideal hook ups this year will involve the intriguing signs of Aries, Gemini, Libra, another Leo and a Sagittarius.

Virgo (August 23rd - September 22nd)

The best times for love and romance for you fall between February 4th and March 31st, and between November 21st and December 20th, Virgo. During these dates, Venus will be transiting Capricorn and your solar 5th House of love, romance and creativity. 

If you're not involved before these transits begin, you will very likely be before they end.

Excellent back up dates are between August 21st to September 14th, when Venus enters Virgo. The best time for serious involvement and a deepening commitment always occur when Venus transits your opposite sign of Pisces in your 7th House. This happens between March 27th and April 21st.

On November 11th through January 23rd, 2012, Mars moves direct through Virgo. Your sexuality will be alluring and everything seems to come together perfectly into place, Virgo. What a relief!

Your best love matches this year will be the signs of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn, Virgo.

Libra (September 23rd - October 22nd)

The most romantic time for you falls between March 1st and March 27th and then from September 14th to October 9th. During March, Venus will transit Aquarius and your your 5th House of love, romance and children. During September and October, Venus will enter your sign and make you grounded and sexually attractive to others who will be expecting serious commitments from you, Libra.

The best time for deepening a commitment in an existing relationship or a new one will occur when Venus enters Aries (your 7th House) between April 21st and May 15th. The additional good news between April 2nd and May 11th is that Mars will be in Aries (Your 7th House of marriage and serious commitments).  Someone you admire will want to take an existing romance to the next level.

This can be a year of luck in love for all single and committed Libras. Make sure you give love everything you've got, Libra and you won't be disappointed.

Your luckiest matches in love during 2011 will involve the signs of Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius and Capricorn. You will have your pick of compatible signs to choose from this year, Libra.

Scorpio (October 23rd - November 21st)

Your most romantic and creative times occur between March 27 and April 21st and again on October 9th through November 2nd. During the first period, Venus will transit Pisces and your 5th House of romance. During the second transit, Venus will enter your sign, Scorpio.You won't make any mistakes this year in your love life and committed relationships.

The best time for closer involvements and deepening commitments occur when Jupiter transits Taurus and your 7th House of marriage, contracts and serious commitments between May 15th and June 9th.This lucky transit occurs from June 4th, 2011 to mid June of 2012.

You have a whole year to decide who the best person for you is, and you will notice many opportunities to expand your love life in ways you never dreamed possible. Pay close attention between May 11th through June 20th when Mars is in Taurus and your 7th House of marriage and committed relationships. You can get your way in love affairs, romance and love, Scorpio.

You will be most attracted to and sexually drawn to the signs of Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, another Scorpio and a Capricorn.This year changes everything in all love relationships. It's a year of success, progress and romantic conclusions.

Sagittarius (November 22nd - December 21st)

The luckiest dates for you in love and relationships occur between January 1st and January 7th. Then on November 2 though the 26th, Venus transits your sign. Watch April 21st though May 15th when Venus transits Aries and your 5th House of romance, creativity and pleasure. Another period to be aware of is Jupiter's transit of Aries between January 22nd through June 4th. During this time it will be impossible to make any mistakes. 

You will find it easy to manifest your deepest desires and get your way with one you adore. You will be sociable, outgoing and generally feeling positive about the direction of your love and sex life. 

The best times for serious relationships and marriage occur when Venus transits your 7th House, which happens between June 9th and July 4th. During this period, an existing relationship may be taken to the next level, you could move in with someone, buy a home, get married or engaged and finally settle down. You have many opportunities to get the love you deserve, Sagittarius. 

Between June 20th and August 3rd, Mars will be in the sign of Gemini. Your sexuality and sex appeal will reach new heights and love gets serious, fast. Make sure you pay attention to your intuition to make the most out of this years lucky love stars.
Your best choices for love matches will involve the fire signs of Aries, Leo and another Sagittarius and the air signs of Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. These connections will be strong and felt deeply and profoundly.

Capricorn (December 22nd - January 19th)

Your ideal times for romance and other creative ventures fall between February 4th and March 1st, and then again on November 26th through December 20th, when Venus transits your sign. Another great period falls between May 15th and June 9th, when Venus transits Taurus and the romance sector of your chart. Some great back up dates fall between June 4th and June 12th as Jupiter will be visiting your love and true romance house during this time. 

The best month for deepening commitments occurs when Venus transits your opposite sign of Cancer (Your 7th House), between July 4th through July 28th.

Excellent back up dates fall between May 11th and June 20th when Mars transits your house of love and commitment. Your sexuality will be peaking during this time and others will find you irresistibly attractive, Capricorn.

Your ideal matches this year will be the earth signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn as well as the water signs of Scorpio and Cancer. These signs will make you feel safe, secure and oh so lovable.

Aquarius (January 20th - February 18th)

Your best times for romance fall between March 1st through March 27th and December 20th through January 14th, 2012 as Venus transits your sign for an extended visit. Another great period falls between June 9th and July 4th, when Venus transits the romance sector of your chart.

During Venus transits, life in general unfolds with greater ease. There will be a smoothness that unfolds in your everyday life. You will be considered attractive, popular and so much fun to be with.

The best times for serious involvements and deepening commitment in an existing relationship occur when Venus transits your 7th House between July 28th and August 21st. If you get serious about someone in March, this could be a year that you get engaged, married or recommit yourself to the one you love most, Aquarius.

You could find yourself strongly drawn towards a Gemini, Libra and the Fire signs of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius in 2011.

Pisces (February 19th - March 20th)

The most romantic and creative times for you fall between March 27 and April 21st, when Venus transits your sign, and again between July 4th and July 28th,when Venus transits Cancer and your 5th house. During these transits, life in general will unfold with greater ease and harmony. It will seem as if every step you take and every decision you make will be on target. 

You will be lucky in love this year, Pisces. In fact, your love life and creativity unfold with a greater smoothness that will feel like a relief.

Others find you ultra attractive, witty and extremely fun to be around. It will be a time when your muse won't leave your side. It will be a breeze anytime you create, sell, be innovative and think outside the box this year, Pisces.

The best time for a serious commitment occurs between August 21st and September 14th when Venus will transit your 7th House of marriage and long term commitments. A new love is on the agenda this year while Pisces in committed relationships will seriously consider taking the next step.

Excellent back up dates fall between August 3rd trough September 18th, when Mars transits Cancer and your romantic life gets a serious boost. Your sexuality will be heightened throughout this lucky love year, Pisces. 

You will find yourself helplessly attracted to the signs of Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Capricorn.