The Suns Transit of Cancer impacts your 4th House of home, family, the past, family members and also rules where you live, where you have lived and where you will be living in the future. Venus (Love) enters Cancer, your 6th House of daily work and health and wellness. You will notice a shift in your daily work routine this month as Venus transits make events unfold smoothly and without much effort on your part, Aquarius. Start a savings account if you're able. June might have seemed stressful for the tamest of your sign. Stress, money and family issues have been HUGE areas of contention and this month, the pace picks up even MORE. Take good care of yourself because you're going to need to be in top form for all the activity that occurs this month. Both Mercury (Communication) and Venus (Love) change signs twice in one month. Venus actually changes signs 3 times. What does this mean? Love, love and more love. The fun begins on 7/4 when Mercury enters Leo and your 7th House of love. You could meet the one, form a stronger bond to the one you're attached to or you could meet someone new, fall in love and get married quite quickly and unexpectedly. Single Aquarius have excellent prospects during this unusual month to find a serious love interest while coupled Aquarius get even closer. There could be some arguments (Mars) but the relationship itself only continues to get stronger and more solidified. Passion makes a comeback for those in long term love relationships. Single Aquarius should say "Yes" to every invitation extended his or her way. An Aries, Virgo and a Capricorn would love to connect with you.
7/1 New Moon in Cancer brings about new and improved business connections, opportunities and contracts that are possibly awaiting your signature. Expect to get a boost regarding your daily routine on the 1st.
7/15 Full Moon in Capricorn falls in your 12th House of isolation. You might hear or see someone from the past and this could trigger internal events within you. Someone close to you could be confined to a hospital or you might feel isolated from others. Try to get extra rest on this date, Aquarius. A Taurus and a Scorpio will gladly cheer you up. Reach out to those long lost friends you miss.
7/30 New Moon falls in Leo and your 7th House of marriage and serious business. A relationship will deepen considerably on this date. How far you want to take it is entirely up to you, Aquarius. Think about it.