The Suns transit in the sign of Leo falls in your 3rd House of communications, Gemini. Be advised that tensions are building as Mercury is retrograde this month until 8/26. Your interactions with those around you could be off kilter and you might question the information coming at you. You may also analyze or question your own communication abilities. Keep all and any conversations and observations with others light hearted and humorous for best results. You could notice that those closest to you are feeling stuck, lost or just plain confused. Try to be the voice of reason and avoid any strongly voiced opinions you have that might be misconstrued by those closest to you.
The signs of another Gemini and a Sagittarius will play key roles in your month, Gemini. Just focus on doing own thing and you should be fine. Realize that others are irritable and might be offended by your words, actions and opinions on matters you normally can laugh about. Knowledge is power, Gemini.
8/28 New Moon in Virgo finds recently stressed out Gemini hearing good news about his or her career. You might experience expansion in areas where you previously felt frozen. Good news is on the way, Gemini. Just be as practical about your finances as you possibly can be.
8/13 Full Moon in Aquarius could have you rethinking your values and how you see the world. There could be reflection and the realization that opinions you once held regarding others are subject to change. A Taurus could or a Pisces could influence you in a good way.