
Libra Monthly Forecast


The Sun in Leo occupies your 11th House of your deepest hopes, wishes and friendships. This is also the House of past loves, so don't be surprised if someone from your past wants to rekindle a connection this month, Libra. The 11th House is all about your friendships, groups to which you belong, social activities and your hopes/wishes.

With Saturn in your sign, this year could find many Libras reflecting on their pasts and wondering if his or her relationship has gone south. This placement of Saturn in Libra in your sign DEMANDS that you put in that extra effort, make sure your relationship with family members, especially your children and father, are on track. You might find August to be a month to remember, Libra. So put on that beautiful smile of yours and try your hardest to keep your life and friendships as stable as possible. Since Mercury will be in your 12th House, the past and secrets you keep to yourself could continue to create delays.
Those Libra experiencing strange aches and pains should make sure to schedule doctor or dental appointments as soon as you feel something might not be quite right with your health. Get second opinions this month wherever you are unsure about a diagnosis, opinion, friendship or even a relationship. Having Mercury in the 12th House could bring up some issues, doubts or insecurities from the past and feel like an uncomfortable place for such an easy going sign like yours, Libra. If you have any travel planned, do it after the 26th as there will be fewer hassles to contend with. The positive side to Mercury retrograde is that it is contingent based on what House it occupies. In the 12th House, you could notice people from the past taking a sudden and unexpected interest in your life.
During the rest of this transit, which lasts from 8/2 - 8/26, you could be doing some serious soul searching and you might need to confront some painful truths that you have possibly been avoiding. On 8/3, Mars enters Cancer and your Career House until 9/18. This could bring about a raise or promotion or even a new job that brings in more income. It might not be your first choice but small steps taken now could lead to achieving your dreams. Just exercise your patience and graciousness, even under fire or what you perceive to be. Venus, your ruling planet will occupy two signs this month, Leo and Virgo. Venus in your 3rd House and 4th House finds you concerned with your home, siblings and neighbors during this transit. If single, you might meet someone where the chemistry in undeniable through your relatives, friends or groups you associate with. Women will be especially helpful to you, Libra. If coupled, once Venus enters Virgo on 8/21, you might feel the need to retreat to a quiet place with the one you love most. A Sagittarius and a Pisces could be involved.
8/28 New Moon in Virgo is a power day for you when you get what YOU want. Venus is closely conjunct to this Moon. At the very least, you get some type of positive news for the efforts you have exerted and hard works pays off. A small contribution on your end goes a very long way throughout the month but especially on this day, Libra.
8/13 Full Moon in Aquarius brings about conflicting information your way. Don't ignore that intuition, Libra. If something feels WRONG, chances are that you are RIGHT! An Aries and a Leo might be involved.