The Suns Transit of Cancer impacts your 9th House of your worldviews, people from distant places, travel and your spirituality. Expect a hectic month, Scorpio. The action begins on 7/1 with a New Moon/partial eclipse in Cancer, which should be an excellent day for you. This New Moon brings in new opportunities to expand your life through travel, education, home and your love life. It could also offer you the chance to broaden your business or take career matters to the next level. On 7/4 Venus (Love) enters Cancer and remains there until 7/28. This transit attracts romance to your life and brings about some interesting, flattering and extremely compatible romantic opportunities your way.
August is a BIG month for you professionally, Scorpio, so work hard in July to be ready to pounce on opportunities you receive next month, as they will happen fast and come from seemingly out of nowhere. Mercury (Communications) will be turning retrograde in the sign of Virgo on 7/28 so make sure you are clear and concise while communicating on this date and throughout August. You could find luck through publishing and with overseas travel as the 9th House is ruled by these properties. Additionally, so are people from foreign countries and distant places. Expect these areas to be prosperous for you during July, Scorpio.
Jupiter (Luck/Expansion) in Taurus is changing the very fabric of your existence this year. The areas of love, marriage, the law and serious relationships (business and love) will take center stage. You might not immediately notice the effects of Jupiter but you should by August, as these areas will definitely get hotter, show signs of growth and more become more interesting, and not only to just you. Your friends will suddenly notice you and might find yourself on the receiving end of some serious and sincere compliments coming from friends, family and a love interest. Jupiter in Taurus is a once in every 12 year transit that brings the 7th House into sharp focus. Take advantage of this transit as you can change these areas and make them what YOU want them to be. Yes, Scorpio, you are in charge here.
The signs of Aries and Libra will play helpful roles in your life this month. With an Aries, you work hard and enjoy the rewards. With a Libra, a friendship or love relationship could just be getting started. Either way, Scorpio and Libra get closer this month and the bond you have with this individual is long standing and can be profoundly life changing.
7/1 New Moon in Cancer brings a smile to your face. Opportunities for expansion in areas that have been lacking will be presented to you. This is a great day for Scorpio!
7/15 Full Moon in Capricorn highlights your career or something to do with where you live. Neighbors could be involved or your siblings could have some news to share with you.
7/30 New Moon in Leo helps you gain the advantage in areas related to creativity, children and romantic progress. A Virgo and a Pisces will have something to say.