
Aries November Forecast

You find yourself in the mood to establish roots this month, to really settle down and to focus on things that are near and dear to your heart. Guess what? This month brings about the opportunity to do exactly that. Circle 11/2 on your calendar when two very personal planets, Venus (Love) and Mercury (Communications) enter a more compatible and complementary sign, Sagittarius.  Almost magically the "get me out of here" blues evaporate. This month is special and powerful as a solar (Sun) eclipse also occurs in the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius brings optimism, new life and new beginnings into your life.  While you might have felt oddly restless last month, November will be sure to end that type of thinking. Eclipses typically represent beginnings and endings and on 11/25, there will be a solar eclipse and New Moon in Sagittarius in your 9th House of travel, foreign places and people from distant cities.To see how this eclipse might affect you, click on this link to learn more about how this one will play out for you, Aries.
November promises to be a fast paced month with opportunities in almost all areas. All personal planets with the exception of Mars (leaving Leo and entering Virgo on 11/11), will be in Fire signs which brings your passionate nature front and center. Overall, this should be an excellent month for Aries. The month begins with Venus and Mercury in Sagittarius on 11/2 and this compatible transit brings smoothness and harmony into your most important one on one relationships. Mars, your ruler, leaves Leo and enters Virgo on 11/11. Your meticulous nature will intensify during this cycle. You will insist on dotting your i's and crossing your t's and others notice this and love what they see, Aries. A solar eclipse occurs in Sagittarius on 11/27. This could be an emotionally charged time as you and a partner take a trip, plan one or get closer than ever. You will have more than one admirer if single, while coupled Aries will remember why they fell for their love.
Caution, Aries: Mercury retrograde occurs on 11/24 in your 9th House as well. Be sure agreements have been made and no loose ends need tying up before this transit. To learn more about Mercury, click on this link to see what you can expect.
A Full Moon occurs in Taurus on 11/10 and brings news of a financial nature. You will love what you hear this month and there is an excellent possibility that your efforts will be compensated and you might even receive a promotion to boot. It's your kind of day as current experiences will feel lighter, easy and less intense than they felt last month. This is a day to shine professionally and where finances are concerned.
There are many planets in your 9th House this month, Aries. What does this mean? The emphasis will be on higher education, foreign countries and people from foreign countries, travel - especially overseas and anything that has to do with the way you look at life or spirituality. To learn more about areas that will be the focus, click on this link to get an idea of what the 9th House is about and what focus November will bring.
The signs of Virgo and Pisces will play prominent roles in your month, Aries.