
Gemini November Forecast


November will be a month of answers for Gemini, especially where love life is concerned. If you have had doubts about a romance, your career or any big commitments you have made, this month will be sure to address any uncertainty in regards to where you stand in any of these areas. In fact, November promises to address any questions you have and by months end, you will know exactly where you stand with whom and for how long. On November 2, Mercury (Communications) and Venus (Love), enter your 7th House of marriage, serious business commitments, divorce and legalities. In addition to the two very personal and intimate planets in your 7th House of marriage, there is also a solar eclipse in Sagittarius taking place in your 7th House as well. This is BIG news, Gemini. To see how this eclipse will effect you, click here and scroll to the bottom for more about how this will play out. Remember that solar eclipses are more external and really pack a punch whereas lunar ones are more internal and emotional.

There will be a lot of talk, chatter and serious conversations regarding important areas of your life. You could meet someone new this month and feel as though you have met "the one" or you could be making a greater commitment to one you're with now. Relationships are huge in November and with so much activity in your House of power, the choices you make will be yours. You will feel satisfied with what goes down this month in love, career and possibly something related to the law. Then on 11/24, Mercury will turn retrograde in Sagittarius slowing the pace down for a couple of weeks. An ex love could return, so be advised! On 11/25, a solar eclipse occurs in your 7th House. Be sure to get everything ironed out before Mercury retrogrades this month, Gemini. For more about Mercury Retrograde, click on this link to learn how to handle the hassles that accompany this transit.

This is a month of honest discussion, enlightenment and career and serious love clarification for Gemini. The 8th House is heavily involved in your chart this month, Gemini. To get an idea of other areas that could transpire read this link  to see how this might play out. The 8th House is misunderstood because it rules odd things but most importantly, it's a power house and gives you the ability to decide what YOU want, not what others want for you.    
The signs of Aries and Libra will play key roles in your month, Gemini.