
Virgo November Forecast


Expect a busy, productive month, Virgo. There is a heavy emphasis on your 4th House on 11/2 - 11/24 as the personal planets of Venus and Mercury, your ruler, enter your house of home, family, where you live now and where you might be living in the future. There could be talk about change in this area and with a lunar eclipse in the same House, a new lifestyle, more time with friends or an addition to your home is entirely possible. You might move, have a major lifestyle adjustment but in some way or another something about your domestic life is subject to change this month. Issues you thought had been resolved might turn out to not be, so pay attention to what your gut tells you throughout November. Be alert and ready for changes as they will happen out of the blue and quite unexpectedly, Virgo. 

A Full Moon occurs in the sign of Taurus on 11/10 and this could be a romantic time for Virgo. You will feel fulfillment and attraction for someone and this could be a day to remember. You will also be focused on your health. This is a life changing month for Virgo. New beginnings in your home are indicated and you might be initially jolted by change but you are adaptable and attractive to others. Love wise, you are in control for now.  

Good news! Virgo. Mars enters your sign on 11/11 and this brings about a strong desire to achieve, accomplish and win at all costs. You could find your energy and motivation are stronger and more focused. You will be focused on creative matters and your career. Mars bestows the power to get whatever you want in almost all areas. There will be a strong desire and drive to achieve ambitions and this month will be quite an eye opener. A solar eclipse and New Moon fall in Sagittarius on 11/25 and impact your 4th House. To learn about how eclipses affect you, check out this link and scroll to the bottom.  

Mercury, your ruling planet, will turn retrograde on 11/24 and remain there until 12/13. Get prepared to take a trip down memory lane. People from your past will appear during this time. To learn even more about Mercury retrograde click on this link to see other possibilities, Virgo.   

A Gemini and a Sagittarius will play important roles in your life this month, Virgo. Make a list of your hopes, wishes and goals but be realistic as well. This is a month where practicality, hard work and results come to those Virgos who have been working hard and what Virgo doesn't?