
Moon in Libra - March 9th & 10th, 2012

Moon in Libra - Sun in Pisces

Happy Birthday, Pisces!

Whenever the Moon is in Libra, it's a great time to attend to any pressing or urgent legal affairs, negotiate a better contact (one that you will be happier with), remain diplomatic and kind, spend quality time with a favorite love interest or significant other, treat yourself to something nice, buy a gift for someone special, buy new clothes or makeup (something to make you feel beautiful) and apologize with someone you are on the outs with. It's also an ideal time to socialize and throw a party. The mood lightens and we all become focused on our closest relationships, love and professional.

This is also a time to avoid confrontations, not to raise your voice or treat anyone in an uncivilized matter. If you find yourself having problems with a friend, co-worker or love interest, today is an ideal day to make amends and clear up any past misunderstandings. People will be forgiving so give those you have treated badly a sincere apology and watch as the balance gets restored.

This weekend is an ideal time to plan a romantic evening or getaway with the one you love or are interested in. It will be a romantic, elegant weekend to remember. Libra is the sign of love and wants nothing more than to love another, so take time to make yourself available to those you really hope to impress when it comes to your private life tonight and your career during today.

The signs of Libra and Aries will take center stage and this weekend. Libras will be in the spotlight as they are well received by the public and will be ultra attractive to everyone. Expect to exude sex appeal, be seen as elegant and have a way with words this weekend, Libra. Aries will also notice the effects of this lunation as they could feel low on energy but can make enormous strides in their most important love relationships.