
Aries June Forecast

The month opens with a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius on June 4th. Sagittarius is your 9th House of travel and distant places. There could be news of foreign travel, higher education and any news you hear will likely to be exciting and affirming.
Venus (Love) is still moving retrograde in Gemini until the 27th. Until then, be extra mindful of your loved ones and if you experience any turbulence with romantic partners, give them space and realize this is a temporary transit. You could be feeling physically uncomfortable or perhaps an argument ensues during this time. Everything will be back to working order on the 27th. Once the 27th rolls around, you will have forgotten about any misunderstandings in your love life.

Mars (Planet of Assertion) is still in Virgo. Virgo rules your 6th House of daily work and will remain there until July 3rd. This planet is your ally and your ruler, Aries. When in Virgo, you will have the ability to get your obligations out of the way, no matter how daunting the obstacles.

Jupiter will also enter Gemini this month for an extended stay. Jupiter in Gemini brings an increase of prosperity with overseas travel and your worldviews. This transits last one year and changes the way you view these areas. Travel, especially overseas, people from distant places and even spirituality can be areas that you expand and learn about.
The New Moon occurs in Gemini on June 19th. This New Moon can bring about sudden and unexpected issues to your love life. Events will happen quickly and you could hear news that excites you and warms your heart.

Your lucky number is # 3
A Gemini and a Sagittarius will play prominent roles in June, Aries.