
Aquarius August Forecast

The Sun in Leo transits your 7th House of marriage this month, Aquarius.
Get ready for a wild and crazy month in August. This month features 3 Moons. One will occur on 8/1, a Full Moon in your sign of Aquarius; a New Moon in Leo on 8/17, and a 2nd Full Moon on the last day, 8/31 in the sign of Pisces.

Mercury (Communications) begins the month retrograde in Leo (Your 7th House of marriage) and resumes direct motion on the 8th. Once Mercury turns direct, everything should feel much less chaotic, especially in love relationships. On August 1st, a Full Moon forms in your sign. Jupiter (Luck/Prosperity) makes a smooth angle to this Moon, suggesting good news making its way to Aquarius.  You can expect this day to be one of the more memorable days of the year.

Venus (Love) enters Cancer on August 7th - September 8th. Where Venus travels, love soon follows. In your 6th House of health, daily routines and wellness you can expect these areas to become highlighted and your passion on these subjects impresses others.

Jupiter (Money/expansion and prosperity) continues its transit of Gemini and your 5th House of passion, romance and creative pursuits. Children and risk taking are also properties of the 5th House, so expect to see some expansion or growth in all these areas of your life. This is a long transit and in the compatible air sign of Gemini, you will enjoy the benefits of this transit of your 5th House. Possibilities? You find the right partner, you begin a family, an ongoing commitment is made official and you thrive in all creative pursuits you undertake. Adventure and risk taking will also show signs of expansion and movement and will be graced with an element of luck as well.

A New Moon forms in Leo on August 17th. With so much emphasis on your 7th and 5th Houses, your love relationships are bound to get moving in a direction that pleases you. Ditto if you have children.  Aquarius working on creative projects can expect to hear excellent news on this date. All in all, Aquarius should be excited and looking forward to his or her love life. This will be a time of great fulfillment for you.

As the month ends, there will be a Full Moon in Pisces on the 31st. Neptune (Illusion) plays a role in the Moon by forming a wide conjunction. Since Neptune rules what you can't see clearly, make sure that you have the facts, figures and absolute bottom line in any decision making on this date. Full Moons bring insight into your life, so pay attention to those gut instincts and intuition in any choices which confront you. Your daily life and finances (money) could play a role on this date, as could a relationship that may have been kept in secret. Realize that if you choose to participate/engage in an office or inappropriate romance, there will be consequences, Aquarius. Try to lay low as the month wraps up, so you can prepare to dazzle others in September. You will be the leader and others will be more than willing to assist you. Your powers of persuasion will attract a romance to your front door, if that is what you desire.

The signs of Taurus and Libra will play important roles in your life this month.  An Aries and a Scorpio could also assist you in some manner. You will find these individuals helping you in home affairs, friendships and possibly more.