
Virgo August Forecast


Prepare for a crazy, wild and hectic month, Virgo. This month features 3 Moons. One will be on 8/1, a Full Moon in Aquarius; a New Moon in Leo on 8/17; and another Full Moon on the last day, 8/31 in the sign of Pisces.

Mercury (Communications) begins the month retrograde in Leo and resumes direct motion on the 8th. Once Mercury turns direct, everything should feel less chaotic. Life flows more smoothly, especially in your everyday affairs, Virgo. You may have made some big decisions during the Mercury retrograde in Leo. However, this month, after your planetary ruler, Mercury, resumes direct motion in Leo (your12th House of secrets, isolation and untapped creative abilities), you might change your mind about something or someone you were previously certain about, Virgo.

On August 1st, a Full Moon falls in the sign of Aquarius and your 6th House of health, wellness and service to others. As soon as August begins, you notice tension, stress or chaos in your everyday life. This Full Moon will bring news which needs your immediate attention, Virgo. There is a tense and stressful tone to your day, so you should use this time to be of service to others and also look to your own health and wellness. This would be an ideal day to rid yourself of any bad or destructive habits you may have.

Jupiter (Money/expansion and prosperity) continues its transit of Gemini and your 10th House of public standing and prestige. This is a long transit that gives you the opportunity to involve yourself more intensely in your own version of an ideal career, Virgo. There will be offers, movement and certain VIPs notice you with little to no effort on your part, Virgo. This transit lasts until next June, so take advantage of Jupiter in Gemini to land the ideal job, professional relationship and career of your dreams  If you have just begun or are already in your desired career, there will be offers and new possibilities connected to this transit.

Venus (Love) enters Cancer on August 7th - September 6th. Where Venus travels, love and beauty follow. Cancer is your 11th House of friends, hopes and personal wishes. During this transit, your friendships, social networks and any groups with which you affiliate will prove to be beneficial to you. There is a sense of fulfillment in these areas and others find you to be the leader in any group setting. Just avoid a tendency toward being right no matter what and make sure to downplay any criticism of others for the best results imaginable.

A New Moon forms in Leo and your 12th House of secrets, sorrows and untapped creative skills on August 17th. New Moons equal new opportunities, Virgo. This would be an ideal time to study an area such as psychology or to analyze your deepest secrets or your subconscious thoughts and learn from your fears, anxieties and any insecurities you may have. Recognize your patterns, explore your behaviors and examine your motivations for doing what you do. The 12th House also rules escapism, hospitals, prisons and places of confinement, so you might be dealing with someone who is confined in some manner. This will be a time when you are able to turn a negative into a positive and learn from it, Virgo. Knowledge is power. Mark this day on your calendar. It will be memorable, Virgo.

As the month ends, there will be a Full Moon in Pisces on the 31st. Pisces is your 7th House of marriage, Virgo. This Moon will focus on your love life. Expect to hear news regarding an important relationship in your life, Virgo. You tend to idealize your romantic partners and bury your head in the sand when there are red flags or warning signs everywhere. Single Virgo need to know who they are dealing with, while coupled Virgos finally get realistic about their relationship. At least you know where you stand, Virgo. The opposite/same sex finds you attractive, social and a force to be reckoned with as the month comes to a close, Virgo.

A Leo and an Aquarius will play key roles in your life throughout August, Virgo. A Leo will support your hopes while an Aquarius will prove to be a stable influence in your life. You admire the innovative spirit and inner ambition of an Aquarius.