
Aries October Forecast

Venus (Love) enters the sign of Virgo from 10/3 - 10/28. Virgo is your 6th House of health, daily routines and repair and maintenance issues. You will benefit enormously during the Venus transit of Virgo where your daily routine  issues are resolved and you find yourself making gains in all these areas as well. Venus favors the themes of each House every couple of weeks and when this planet occupies your 6th House of daily work or your daily routine, you make gains via health, fitness and your personal wellness.

Mars (Action/Energy) enters Sagittarius on 10/6 and your 9th House. This transit stirs up your desire and sexuality. You could be longing for a getaway, vacation or planning a special occasion or anniversary. You will desire time with a love interest if already coupled, while singles will be in for a wild and unpredictable time. You are fiery and passionate by nature, Aries. With Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio, these planets form a beneficial aspect to one another but they will not form a favorable aspect towards your Sun sign.

Mercury (Communications) enters Scorpio on 10/5 - 10/ 29th, your 8th House. You have power in the areas of money, other people's money and are blessed with heightened intuition, courtesy of the energy of Scorpio. You could be dealing with endless conversations about taxes, insurance and mortgages. The 8th House also rules sex, power and personal transformation. Expect to possess a natural way with words when it comes to the 8th House issues. Others will find your presence calming this month, especially when speaking about the properties of the 8th House, Aries.

Saturn (Lessons) is changing signs this month. Saturn has been in your 7th House of marriage and serious business contracts and will enter your 8th House of sex, power and taxes, insurance and mortgages on 10/5. Everyone will notice a shift in the energy as Saturn transits from the romantic sign of Libra and enters the intense, powerful and forceful nature of Scorpio. Coupled Aries who made it through Saturn in Libra have met the person they are meant to be with while single Aries who have met a partner during this transit might feel as though they have found a life partner as well. With Saturn in your 8th House, a new relationship will either go the distance or end abruptly. There won't be any grey areas.

A New Moon falls on October 15th in Libra, your 7th House. This should be a great day for Aries when singles will grow closer to a new love and couples could be taking the next step in their relationship. Mark this day on your calendar as there will be opportunities for both love and business for all Aries.

A Full Moon falls in Taurus on October 29th in Taurus. Taurus is your solar 2nd House of finances, so you could hear news on this Full Moon. Emotions get heightened on this day as you receive news about a promotion or a raise. With Pluto making an angle to this Moon, you might encounter delays or restrictions with your professional affairs. Realize that superiors admire your work, so try and go with the flow, Aries. Your career is picking up steam but expect a few unexpected surprises and twists and turns in this area of your life. Best advice: Don't panic or jump to any conclusions. You are being noticed for your contributions, although at times you might not see this clearly.

A Virgo and a Pisces play influential roles in your life throughout October, Aries.