
Libra November Forecast

November is going to be a memorable month as there will be two eclipses (A solar eclipse in Scorpio and a lunar eclipse in Gemini). Additionally, the planet of Communications (Mercury) retrogrades in Sagittarius. Let's take a look and see what is in store for you personally, Libra.

The planet of love, your planetary ruler, Venus, begins the month in your sign, Libra. This is your time of year to work on special relationships. The energy around you seems friendly and your love life will show signs of marked improvement. You find yourself in a mood to socialize and you notice that your most important relationships become closer and more committed. Your physical appearance captures attention as you receive compliments on how you look, how you speak and your personality and sense of humor will attract attention. You will be the life of any party during this transit, so make sure you get out and about to enjoy the rewards that Venus brings your way. You will be pleased with what transpires during this transit that lasts until 11/21, so take the time this month to put your energy into those relationships and friendships that matter most to you, personal and professional. This transit will also benefit you as it brings in more money and solidifies some new friendships. Couples grow closer while single Libras won't be single much longer. Single Libra can meet the one this month, so work that Libra charm, diplomacy and elegance!

Mercury (Communications) will retrograde between 11/6 -11/26 in the sign of Sagittarius and your 3rd House of communications, siblings and short distance travels, Libra. This is the last Mercury retrograde of 2012, Libra. Try to get important details out of the way before Mercury retrogrades. In other words: Take advantage of the first 6 days of November to get your personal and professional relationships exactly where you want them, Libra. Whenever Mercury retrogrades, it always a great rule to re-think, revise, rewrite or reorganize something. To learn even more about Mercury retrograde, click here.

Mars (Sexuality/Energy) transits Sagittarius until 11/16. You may notice you possess the physical energy and determination to get important affairs in order where your communications, siblings and any type short distance trips/travel are involved.Your energy levels will be focused strongly on these areas during this transit, Libra. Mars also revs up your sexuality and desire for commitment. Mars also can make you short tempered and bring on some emotions that might need to be confronted. This could relate to a past event that continues to haunt you. 

A Solar Eclipse and New Moon occur in the sign of Scorpio on 11/13. This eclipse will transit your solar 2nd House. To learn more about how eclipses affect you, always look to the House that they fall in and the properties of that House. The 2nd House represents finances and personal possessions. On 11/28, the end of the month, a Full Moon and a Lunar eclipse will fall in Gemini and your 9th House of travel, higher education, publishing and people from foreign places. These areas will be fortunate for you during these transits, Libra. You might want to go back to school and study something that interests you or you could be offered a job that promises a boost to your income. You could also be dealing with a strong urge to travel. To learn more about eclipses, click here.

The signs of Gemini, Virgo and a Sagittarius will play important roles in your life this month, Libra.