
Pisces December Forecast

Happy Holidays, Pisces! In 2012, Saturn (Structure) was in Libra where it stayed in your 8th House of power, sex and death. These areas were part of the agenda during 2012. On some level this could have meant you lost someone close to you or you learned a lesson about sex versus love and how you view and form emotional attachments to others. In October, Saturn entered Scorpio and your 9th House of overseas travel, publishing and higher education. These areas will be in focus for you throughout 2013. Pluto (Slow change/Transformation) has been in your 11th House of friends, hopes and your wishes during 2012 and continues to travel in this area throughout 2013 as well. As you step into 2013, your ideas, hopes, friendships and ideas about these areas will have drastically been changed, transformed or torn down and rebuilt on some level. Your attitude has been changing and so have your wishes as times naturally change and Pluto in Capricorn is demanding that you deal with tearing down in order to rebuild. As you step into 2013, with your ruling planet, Neptune, in your sign- its natural home-, you will be able to navigate through the fog that you might previously have not been able to see through. You step into 2013 with fortitude, confidence and a whole new perspective about employment, finances and finding the right spirituality, religion or life philosophy that works for you.          

As we begin December, let's look at the personal planets. These planets can reveal the most intimate details of your personal life.

Mercury (Communications) will be in Sagittarius between 12/10 -12/31. Sagittarius rules your 10th House of career, social standing and your prestige. You need to be seen during this time. Press for meetings with bosses, ask for a raise, network and step back and watch your career offers explode. You will find December to be a memorable month when it comes to career, contracts and your communication skills. See and be seen for ideal results. The results could surprise you.

Venus (Love) begins the month in Scorpio and your 9th House of overseas travel, higher education and publishing. Until the 15th, you will be fortunate in any of the properties of the 9th House. People from other countries or those born a distance from you could be involved. On 12/15, Venus enters Sagittarius, which brings a boost to your professional and personal life. This transit stretches into 2013 so you will enter the "New Year" with an optimistic, free spirited and anything goes type of attitude. You can be strongly drawn towards travel during this time as well.       

A New Moon in Sagittarius occurs on December 13th. This day will show you where you stand in your career. You will know what to do when it comes to this specific area on this date, intuitively and instinctively, Pisces.    

A Full Moon forms in Cancer on December 28th, your 5th House of passion, creativity and children. You end the year on a positive note as you receive confirmation that you're highly regarded where a relationship, a creative assignment or your children or a child is involved. There will be more involvement in this area whether you have children or not. You will also be dealing with family members.      
 2013 has the potential to be your year Pisces. You will need to know when to begin projects versus when to end them. Your sense of timing is lucky and accurate. Timing is be everything for you Pisces in 2013.

Lucky Color: Red & Winter White   

Most compatible signs: Cancer and Capricorn