
Fashion Scopes

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Aries are the trendsetters of the Zodiac. They have naturally elegant tastes, take chances with new trends and sport trendy fashions that most people would either love or hate. Ruled by Mars, this is a free spirit who will not be told what to do and insists that they know what is best for them, fashion wise, and they DO know instinctively what suits them. Going on impulse alone, Aries tends to find a style that suits them, keeps it (if it's not broken, why fix it?) and their choice of clothing is always unique to their personality. Aries appreciate a sexy, trendy and offbeat style which draws attention to them, personally and professionally. For men, a tailored business suit looks dashing on you and you tend to look sexy in athletic wear as well. Women are stunning in both casual and dressy styles. All Aries look great in shades of red. For Aries, anything that agrees with their bold and brash personality will appeal. Male and female Aries should wear red as much as possible for good luck in love and business. A pair of diamond earrings brings luck! 

Celebrity Examples: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kate Hudson, Robert Downey Jr., Claire Danes, Mariah Carey, Lady Gaga, Eddie Murphy, Kristen Stewart, Alec Baldwin, David Letterman, Jennifer Garner and Reese Witherspoon.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)
Taurus loves designer labels. Ruled by Venus, who can blame them? Taurus are loyal and tend to have a good luck piece in their wardrobe that they still hold onto from childhood. Taurus men care about their physical appearance and clothing more than most other signs. Many males of this sign can pull off baby pinks, mauves and light blues (usually feminine colors) than other signs can't. Female Taurus cannot go wrong with a basic blazer (emerald green and any shade of purple or lavender works best) and pencil skirt. They look best in flattering (not too tight) outfits that emphasize their beautiful necks and décolletage. Anything classic or modern with clean lines looks best on Taurus, male or female. Lucky for Taurus that most clothes they choose tend to look naturally good on them courtesy of Venus. Venus assists Taurus to gravitate towards soft fabrics that are luxurious and usually costly. Taurus can also spot a bargain from a mile away. This is a sign that appreciates all styles and can pull off a variety of colors that most others signs simply cannot.

Celebrity Examples: George Clooney, Jack Nicholson, Daniel Day Lewis, Jessica Lange, Victoria Beckham, Adele, Robert Pattinson and Jessica Alba.

Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Gemini puts effort into dressing for every event they attend. Only Gemini makes such a production out of dressing themselves. This is a naturally flirtatious sign who realizes that while clothes may be secondary to love, they should still look their best. Gemini men will love the idea of taking a staple piece and mixing it with something contemporary and modern. Gemini women like an eclectic look as well and will pair something vintage with a trendy new piece. When lounging around, Gemini wears cozy, fun clothing that still makes a statement such as a shirt with a slogan on it. Ruled by Mercury, this sign is versatile and can play around with fashion and pull off any style and make it their own. This sign looks best when not adhering to any dress code and can look naturally polished in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. No other sign can get away from experimenting with clothes and styles as successfully as Gemini can and does. Gemini will be the best dressed in anything yellow. This color (worn from bright to dark) attracts romance into their lives.

Celebrity Examples: Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Kate Upton, Marilyn Manroe, Heidi Klum, Kanye West, Prince and Natalie Portman.

Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Cancer will take time to put outfits together but prefers a spontaneous approach to their fashion choices. Cancer decides what to wear the minute they begin their day and It all depends on their mood. If feeling happy, Cancer will be drawn to corals, deep greens and blues and they are famous for dressing spontaneously according to their moods. Ruled by the ever changing Moon, these tender spirits can feel the energy around them and will usually dress according to the vibe they feel on any given day. Cancers who work from home can choose to dress down and enjoy casual wear but they are also masters at the art of dress up as well. Cancer (male and female) can take one simple piece and design an entire outfit around it. Cancers look pristine in well fitted white button down shirts, anything denim and winter jackets/coats. A Nautical look is very becoming on Cancer, as are the colors of sea green, pearl and silver.

Celebrity Examples: Gisele Bundchen, Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks, Robin Williams, Tom Cruise, Jessica Simpson, Sophia Vergara, Prince William, Khole Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan and Selena Gomez.

 Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)
Leo lives for style and has a regal presence. This sign knows how to dress to impress and has a sense of style that comes across as first class all the way. Leos demand attention and tend to make wise decisions when it comes to their wardrobe. Males and females look best in the colors of the sun from dusk to dawn and can look classy in casual wear and sophisticated on the red carpet. Pairing an outfit with jewelry is common for Leos, so anything gold or with hints of gold will look amazing on you. Orange is another color that makes you shine. Leos find that their hair is one of their best/famous accessories and usually prefer their hair to be well groomed before they entertain the idea of leaving home to go out and socialize. Bold, passionate and vibrant colors make Leo stand out from the crowd.

Celebrity Examples: Jennifer Lawrence, Bill Clinton, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jennifer Lopez, Halle Berry, Mila Kunis, Sandra Bullock, Barack Obama, Demi Lovato and Ben Affleck.

Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Virgos need to know that wearing white can get them noticed, personally, professionally and socially. This pure color appeals to Virgo's secret desire for purity, practicality and sensibility. Virgo seeks fabrics that are quality and practical and goes for a variety of choices when they dress. This is not someone who shies away from trends. They tend to have a little bit of everything in their closet. Cool on the exterior, this sign has a flirtatious side and will agonize for hours over any outfit they need to pick out for special occasions they deem super important, like a date, party or business event. Virgo will spend EXTRA time analyzing their wardrobe when a piece of white (whether it's a shirt, jacket or top) can do the trick and how. They instinctively learn over time that white items will enhance their natural beauty and can make Virgo look elegant 24/7. Pairing white with navy blue and grey will finish your look always, Virgo.

Celebrity Examples: Beyoncé, Salma Hayek, Blake Lively, Pink, Prince Henry, Cameron Diaz, Kobe Byant, Michael Jackson, Charlie Sheen, Jimmy Fallon and Keanu Reeves.

Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)
Libras are ruled by the planet of beauty (Venus) and therefore (like their Taurus counterpart) most colors and styles complement this sign beautifully. Libra can take chances with their wardrobe and turn a spur of the moment idea into a trend. Libra men look best all dressed up as do their female counterparts. Libra looks best as a bride or in a ball grown, while male Libra makes a becoming groom or looks dazzling in a well fitted suit. Libras are classically good looking with Venus (planet of beauty, love and beautiful things) as their ruler. Libra tends to follow fashion and dresses always with careful forethought. This is not someone you will see in public with no makeup and looking like a bedraggled version of their morning self. Not Libra! No matter where Libra travels, they tend to dress appropriately for every occasion and are also great at giving fashion advice and tips to their friends. Another bonus: Libra is amazing with accessories and knows how to work them like no other. Hints of blues and lavenders can finish and polish Libra's overall look.

Celebrity Examples: Gwen Stefani, Eminem, Hugh Jackman, Simon Cowell, Ralph Lauren, Gwyneth Paltrow, John Mayer, Sting, Matt Damon, Kim Kardashian and Kate Winslet.

Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)
Scorpios are ruled by Pluto. Pluto is the planet of the underworld. Scorpio is also the sign of extremes. Scorpio possesses a desire to look their very best (they can become obsessive over their appearance) or they take the opposite approach and decide to stop caring about fashion altogether. Colors like black, maroon and lipstick red will flatter Scorpio females and males and attract love into their lives. They look best in fitted, classic and closet staples such as a little black dress, a black leather jacket (form fitting) and a nice pair of designer back boots. Leather is a flattering choice of fabrics for Scorpios. Scorpios can also pull off neutral colors more than other signs can. Ruled by the planet of transformation, this sign changes their physical appearance often and the same goes for Scorpio's wardrobe. Scorpio will evolve style wise with the changing times. They tend to find a style that suits them but they remain versatile and open to the world of fashion and usually splurge on one quality piece and mix it up with their existing pieces. Also, Scorpios (like Aries) look good in hats - both females and males - and can work a hat more than most!

Celebrity Examples: Ryan Gosling, Anne Hathaway, Matthew McConaughey, Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Emma Stone, Gavin Rossdale, Anthony Kiedis, Jimmy Kimmel and Whoopi Goldberg.

Sagittarius (Nov 22 - Dec 21)
Sagittarius is an optimistic, adventurous and independent/free spirit personality which is what makes Sagittarius so alluring. Ruled by Jupiter, their personalities are so charismatic that you forget about what they wore and think about how funny and outspoken they were. You might not remember what Sagittarius wore but Sagittarius finds fashion appealing and loves to work with clothes and experiment with all styles. Anything turquoise will suit both male and female Sagittarius and bring love into his or her life. Throw in some purple and you have the perfect outfit. Sagittarius look great in equestrian styles, nautical themes, stripes and any outfit where their love of the outdoors can be shown off even indoors. Expect this sign to know how to dress themselves appropriately for every and any occasion. Female and male Sagittarius look fantastic in the colors khaki and olive. Fitted sweaters and well tailored pants always look good on Sagittarius.

Celebrity Examples: Brittany Spears, Miley Cyrus, Brad Pitt, Jay-Z, Jonah Hill, Taylor Swift, Ian Somerhalder,Scarlett Johansson, Steven Spielberg, Jake Gyllenhaal & Nicki Minaj.

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)
Capricorns prefer to dress casually but realize that in business and in love, they must make an effort to look their best. With Pluto (planet of transformation) in their sign, Capricorn will change their physical appearance and will undergo changes to their style during this transit. For males, a MUST have outfit would be well tailored cotton pants that are practical - jeans are too casual when a Capricorn lounges around. They prefer soft fabrics and love to be casual 24/7, but they are realistic and tend to know how to dress appropriately. This is someone who gets sexier with age and learns how to dress their best as they get older. Anything classical and sophisticated works best for female and male Capricorns. Warm deep greens and rich browns will suit Capricorns perfectly. These colors bring out Capricorns earthy and sensual side. With Pluto in Capricorn, male and female Capricorns will transform their physical appearance such as changing their hair color, losing weight, changing the way they dress etc., Capricorn looks best in versatile styles but tends to look best in classic, refined and conservative clothing.

Celebrity Examples: Kate Middleton, Denzel Washington, Orlando Bloom, Jim Carrey, Bradley Cooper, Kate Moss, Mel Gibson, January Jones, Liam Hemsworth, Jude Law and Betty White.

Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)
Aquarians like to dress unconventionally but have a strong eye for quality pieces. Aquarius look great in glamorous, classic, vintage, modern or chic and trendy styles. Males and females can pull off any look but tend to go for sophisticated clothing as their main staple pieces. This is a fixed sign, so once Aquarius finds a look that suits them, they will stay with what works for the long haul. The flip side is that Aquarius is not afraid to experiment with various styles can incorporate new trends into their existing wardrobe. Only Aquarius can make this work. Ruled by the planet, Uranus, it isn't uncommon for Aquarius to take risks once in awhile with their wardrobe. This determined sign tends to have an eye for value and can spot the perfect piece for them from a mile away. Aquarius can radiate beauty wearing deep blues and should wear amethyst jewelry for luck in their love life. Any clothing that is eccentric and innovative will appeal to Aquarius. Even the most conservative Aquarius will have trendy and updated fashions in their closet.

Celebrity Examples: Ashton Kutcher, Justin Timberlake, Christian Bale, Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, Alicia Keys, Shakira, Harry Styles, Taylor Launter, Arsenio Hall and Jennifer Aniston.

Pisces (Feb 19 - March 20)  
Pisces are sweets spirits who are more concerned with the world around them than they are when it comes to their choice of clothes. To Pisces, clothes are an extension of their sensitive and compassionate natures. They dress more for others than they do for themselves. This is not someone who likes trends but sticks with what works best for them and is unimpressed by the latest fashions. Pale green, turquoise and all colors of the ocean compliment Pisces. When in doubt, choose one of these colors to make others notice you, Pisces. You also love shoes and tend to gravitate towards one favorite item. You could have a collection of shoes, jackets or purses, but usually Pisces has one favorite item of clothing and will wear it until it is worn out. Loyal, dreamy and extroverted, Pisces presence is enough. This sign looks best when choosing their clothes on impulse. They are open minded and will dress a certain way to please a love interest. Pisces are chameleons when it comes to fashion. They can surprise you with their choice of dress when you least expect it.

Celebrity Examples: Adam Levine, Bruce Willis, Chris Martin, Kurt Cobain, Johnny Cash, Rihanna, Eva Longoria, Justin Bieber, Rob Lowe, Drew Barrymore and Jessica Biel.