
Venus in Sagittarius

Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball

Aries - Sagittarius is your 9th House of travel, Aries. Single Aries could meet someone from a foreign country or be dealing with a love interest from a distance. Since the 9th House also rules worldviews, you could change the way you look at and value your love life during this time. Coupled or single, it's time for Aries to shake up their love life and singles could very well meet someone while traveling who shares the same passions and outlook as they do. Coupled Aries will be thinking about new ways to approach their relationship. Should you stay or should you move in a new direction, entirely, Aries? The final choice will be up to you!

Taurus - You could receive a raise or bonus or someone close to you could boost your financial status, such as a romantic partner. Remember, where Venus travels is where you are most likely to benefit. The 8th House also rules money, resources you share with another and deeply committed relationships. You catch get a break in one of these areas and you will gain a deeper understanding of your romantic relationship(s) Caution: You could get emotional or jealous easily. On the flip side, you and a partner enter a new and improved understanding of each other.

Gemini - Sagittarius is your 7th House of marriage and commitments. This transit enhances relationships with your partners, business and professional. There is a new and improved appreciation for all areas of the 7th House. If single, you could attract a new love interest or an ongoing relationship moves to the next level. Couples will get closer and remember what brought them together or, conversely, decide to move in an entirely new direction.

Cancer - Sagittarius is your 6th House of daily work. You find yourself in a mood to flirt and others will find you charming and irresistible. A potential office romance could enter the picture during this time. Singles could meet someone new at the office or through their job, while couples will find time to take a romantic getaway. It's all about quality time together for couples during this transit

Leo- Sagittarius is your 5th House of passion, children and romance. Your love life will light up in a major way. You find this transit to be ideal for love and a passionate romance. Coupled Leos will enjoy optimism and share a mutual respect for one another as this transit brings out your playful side. Children and creative ventures will be areas that bring you joy and comfort. All Leos will be more in tune with their emotions and others will find you that much more attractive during this time, single or coupled.

Virgo - Sagittarius is your 4th House of home, family, the past and relatives. Love begins at home during this transit for all Virgos, single or coupled. You need to be clear (single or coupled) about what you want and need from a love relationship during this time. Do you really know what you want? Single or coupled, a romance could begin at the office or through someone you meet at work this month. Coupled Virgos will need to make sure they are on the same page as partners or there could be some delays or miscommunication. Keeping the lines of communications with partners open during this time will ultimately make you more fulfilled.

Libra - Sagittarius is your 3rd House of communications, Libra. Venus in Sagittarius will bring happiness, optimism and a deep sense of joy via your love life during this transit. Single or married, Libra is seeking a partner during this transit that is sexual, intuitive and on his or her wavelength and has no problems finding someone who is ready, willing and able. You could find spontaneity goes hand in hand with your love life this month. Surprises in love are part of this picture!

Scorpio - Sagittarius is your 2nd House of finances and personal possessions, Scorpio. With Venus in Sagittarius, Scorpio will experience a greater understanding of where they stand when it comes to their finances. There will be a feeling of confidence when it comes to financial security, and this Venus placement features gifts, a boost in income and more money at your disposal. Expect the unexpected with your love life, single or coupled. This could be a time when sudden opportunities both personal and financial capture your attention when you least expect it.

Sagittarius - This is the best time for Sagittarius to focus on romance. Singles could meet the love of his or her life while couples may take the next step in their relationship. Sexual and romantic chemistry will be powerful and indescribable, single or coupled. Singles could meet exciting prospects which lead to a new romantic involvement.  Couples decide to look at their relationship and decide what it takes to strengthen their commitment. The public will find you attractive, appealing and intriguing, single or coupled. This transits last until 1/9/13, so make the most of the love surrounding you, now, Sagittarius.

Capricorn - Sagittarius is your 12th House of secrets, psychology and seclusion. There could be a relationship taking place in secret or you could find out about one that is occurring during this time. Single or coupled, Capricorn will find delight in spending time alone with a romantic partner in private. You will prefer alone time spent together over parties and gatherings. Remember, Venus can bring love and money without too much effort of your part. Any secrets regarding love that are not made public will become public knowledge in January. Whatever you decide to do, coupled or single, make sure that you remain honest and upfront with your loved ones during this transit. If you have nothing to hide, you will enjoy time spent alone with someone special!

Aquarius - Sagittarius is your 11th House of friendships. Your friendships will function smoothly, and social events and parties keep you occupied during this transit. Singles could meet the love of their life through friends, groups or at a party or gathering. Couples will enjoy the optimism in the air and celebrate the holiday spirit with their friends and family. It will be a Christmas to remember! Single or coupled, your hopes, dreams and friendships will play a fulfilling role in your love life this month. An ex-love could play an unexpected role. Everyone wants your attention during this time, Aquarius.

Pisces - Sagittarius is your 10th House of prestige. Your career, family and public reputation will escalate as new opportunities come your way. You feel passionate about love during this transit and it shows, Pisces! This is your time of year to travel, mingle with those in power positions and bond closer to family members. Single Pisces could find a new love while socializing or via travel. Coupled Pisces will be making plans for some time alone with their significant other, perhaps in an exotic destination. Single or coupled, Pisces will enjoy the romance of this transit and learn once and for all where they really stand in love.  
