
Aquarius February Forecast

Expect a busy month filled with compliments, admiration and personal attention. The Sun transits your 1st House of appearance and brings love your way this month, Aquarius. It's a month where you are front and center and in the spotlight, where you tend to shine naturally, Aquarius. Venus enters your sign on 2/1 and remains there until 2/25. During the first 23 days of the month, single or coupled, you notice that you possess strong powers of persuasion when dealing with potential and ongoing loves. This will be a month of romance and fulfillment in love, Aquarius. Venus (Love) is in your sign this month bringing you multiple events, celebrations and gatherings to look forward to.

A New Moon occurs in Aquarius and your 1st House on 2/10. Mark this day on your calendar for this New Moon in your sign occurs only once a year and sets the tone for your upcoming solar year. It will be imperative that you put into place an agenda regarding your hopes and wishes. The more confident you are about achieving your goals, the luckier and more fulfilled you will be. With Jupiter moving forward in Gemini, you overwhelm and impress others via your personal charm.  You could find that you have many potential offers when it comes to love relationships ,Aquarius.

Saturn (Lessons) will turn retrograde in your 10th House of prestige on 2/18. During this time, you could feel as though career matters seem to lag or not move as fast as you had ideally hoped. Saturn will have you asking yourself the bigger questions regarding what you do for a living, Aquarius. Saturn resumes direct on 7/7 so realize that this will occur over time and pace yourself accordingly.

A Full Moon occurs in Virgo on 2/25. Virgo is your 8th House of money, power and resources you share with others. You could hear news about these areas of your life. An ending or closure occurs that might have to do with mortgages, taxes and insurance. With the Moon in Virgo, you could be dealing with a health issue or a matter regarding your health becomes clarified. 

Mercury (planet of self-expression, travel and intellect) goes retrograde this month in Pisces and your 2nd House from 2/23 - 3/17.  Mars (Physical Energy) in Pisces and your 2nd House makes you feel generous towards those you love. You could find yourself drawn to luxurious items during this time but be careful when it comes to large purchases. You could be feeling expansive and generous with Jupiter moving forward and Venus in your sign but this retrograde asks that you refrain from making those large expensive purchases.

Your BEST days on: 2/1 - 2/25 & 2/28

Expect challenges on:  2/4, 2/7, 2/9, 2/11, 2/27

The signs of Leo, Scorpio and another Aquarius will play important roles