
Pisces February Forecast


The Sun transits your 12th House of secrets, issues from the past, dreams and your subconscious mind, Pisces. These areas will be illuminated for you throughout this romantic and memorable month, Pisces. This month Pisces has the pleasure of having both Mercury (2/5 - 2/23) and Mars in your sign and will join up with Venus at the end of the month. Mercury brings ideas while Mars brings the physical energy to accomplish your goals, personal and professional. This is a romantic month as Pisces head and heart will be in complete alignment. With Mercury in your sign, you find yourself able to express your thoughts and ideas eloquently. If coupled, you and a partner enjoy the ease of your relationship and find your attraction grows stronger and becomes more meaningful. With Mars in your sign, you notice a heightened sexuality and physical energy that will impress even you, Pisces. Get ready for an exciting, romantic and fulfilling month. With Venus and Mars in your sign, on the 26th, Pisces will notice opportunities to connect with someone beyond special. You could have found or already met the love of your life and this month will cement attractions between you and a love interest. Mars transits your sign from 2/1 - 3/12. You zero in on your goals with lighting speed this month and you can turn your hopes into realities. With Mars, just avoid a tendency to act, spend or speak impulsively for ideal results. There could be ramifications in your professional life if you blurt out your version of the truth and this is likely with Mars in your sign.

  Mercury (Self-expression, travel and intellect) enters your sign on 2/5 and goes retrograde on 2/23. This retrograde impacts your personal life. Navigate this transit wisely by checking in with a partner and not making any serious commitments until after 3/17. Mars motivates you to make a serious commitment while Mercury could find you changing your mind at a later date, Pisces. Don't put any pressure on yourself when it comes to initiating new projects or relationships during this retrograde period that lasts until 3/17 because you might not be entirely satisfied with the results at a later date. 

A New Moon occurs in Aquarius and your 12th House of isolation on 2/10. You might consider spending some time in private with a love interest or alternatively you might need some down time to rest and recharge your energy levels. 

A Full Moon occurs in Virgo on 2/25 in your 7th House of marriage. You will be inclined to make a greater commitment to an ongoing love interest on this Full Moon. Personal and professional relationships take center stage. With Mars in your sign until mid-March, you might want to carefully weigh your options on this important date. Someone close could be demanding and emotions will be heightened. 

Your BEST days on: 2/1, 2/2, 2/3, 2/8, 2/12, 2/15, 2/16, & 2/21

Expect challenges on: 2/4, 2/6, 2/9, 2/11, 2/13, 2/18, 2/26 & 2/27

A Cancer, Capricorn and an Aquarius play key roles in your life this month, Pisces.