
Aries March Forecast

Venus (Love) is in Pisces (Your 12th House) from 2/25 - 3/21. An element of secrecy will be a part of your life this month, especially where love, money and romance are involved. With Venus in your 12th House, you might find appreciation, admiration and love coming your way from behind closed doors. A relationship with an element of secrecy will occur but you love a challenge and are easily able to uncover anything happening behind the scenes.

With Mercury retrograde, you might notice some miscommunications with co-workers or a close partner and you might be feeling as though you need a time out. With Mercury retrograde in your 12th House, the first half of March can feel as though you're living in a surreal world. Not to worry, Aries. Your ruling planet, Mars, enters your sign on 3/12, providing you with solutions to any previous concerns and helps you straighten out any misunderstandings you might have had with others earlier in the month. Once Mars enters your sign, you will have the physical energy to complete important projects at a rapid pace/speed. Mars in Aries also provides you with heightened sexuality and helps you get nagging tasks out of the way. Mars will be in your sign from 3/12 - 4/20.

Mercury is retrograde in Pisces as the month begins. You begin March in a bit of a haze as others seem to be irritable and out of sorts. It will be imperative that you tone down any reactions or responses when dealing with any type of private matters. It is best to say as little as possible during this time. Once Mars enters Aries on the 12th, you can correct any earlier miscommunications or misunderstandings.

A New Moon in Pisces falls on 3/11. Pisces is your 12th House of subconscious, dreams and imagination, Aries. With several planets in water signs during this day, you might feel as though you biggest gains come from working behind the scenes. The 12th House can bring you many new opportunities where your imagination, the past and your intuition are involved. You have the ability to see into the moods and emotions of others. Circle this date on your calendar, Aries. It will be a day to remember.

A Full Moon forms in Libra on 3/27. Libra is your 7th House of marriage and business relationships. With Mars, (your ruling planet) in your sign, you could come across as aggressive and those partners and work associates could misread your words. This Full Moon can find you on edge but the best way to navigate any potential issues is to remain silent.

Best Days! 3/9, 3/14, 3/16, 3/18, 3/23 & 3/28

Not so Great days! 3/5 3/12, 3/20& 3/22

A Leo, Aquarius and a Capricorn will play important, loyal and close roles in your life this month.