
Capricorn April Forecast

Venus (Planet of love, admiration and appreciation) begins the month in Aries. The first two weeks of April center around your home life, relatives and where you live. These areas flow smoothly and you will find your greatest gains come through this area of your life. On 4/15, Venus will then enter the compatible earth sign of Taurus and your 5th House of passion, romance, children and creative projects. You will find with Venus in Taurus that your love life takes on a life of its own and finds Capricorn feeling on top of his or her love life. Singles can meet someone special while couples will enjoy the love they have built and get even closer during this time. You will enjoy April as it brings luck to your love life, finds you in a mood to take risks and enjoy the good times. This is one of the best times for you this year for love, single or coupled. On 4/20, Mars (Physical Energy/Sexuality/Motivation) will join Venus in Taurus and you notice that love and relationships really pick up steam. You could be working on a creative project, be dealing with children and enjoying the romance that comes with this transit. This month brings a strong focus, determination and sense of passion to your everyday life.   

A New Moon occurs on 4/10 in the sign of Aries. Aries is your 4th House of home, family and where you live. New Moons bring new offers. In your 4th House, you find this date to be exciting as the right home structure comes your way. You could find the perfect home, you and a romantic partner could decide to make your relationship official and you will be feeling on top of your life. The only downside is that with so much planetary energy in the fiery and temperamental sign of Aries, you could come across as too assertive and impatient, and you might notice that your emotions are on a short fuse.

 On 4/12 - Pluto turns retrograde in your 1st House, Capricorn. This retrograde cycle lasts until September 20th. You can expect to experience some general delays in your life during this cycle but you are a resolute sign who is capable of handling anything that comes your way. You might find your energy a bit low on this date but Capricorn will be having too much fun to care and has the patience of a saint. This retrograde might not bother you as much as it will bother/affect other signs, so you can expect friends and loved ones to be out of sorts on this date. 

A Full Moon/ Lunar Eclipse occurs in Scorpio on 4/25 in your 11th House of friendships. With Saturn (your ruling planet) involved in this eclipse degree, expect your friendships to strengthen. You will know you can trust and who might need to exit your life. Loyalty plays a role and you could find that there are some reversals in friendships. Capricorn knows that all relationships require solid foundations and will notice what relationships are lacking a solid structure. It might be time to say farewell to one relationship that is lacking and takes but gives nothing in return. 

A Cancer, another Capricorn and a Pisces will play key roles throughout your life this month.

Great Days for Capricorn: 4/6, 4/7, 4/8, 4/10, 4/17, 4/24 & 4/26

Not so great days: 4/2, 4/3, 4/9, 4/13, 4/16, 4/23 & 4/30