
Leo April Forecast

Venus (Love, money and appreciation) will begin the month in Aries (Your 9th House of overseas travel, publishing and the legal system), Leo. There will be opportunities to get in touch with your spiritual side and offers for higher education will appeal to you. You could meet the love of your life taking a class, traveling or be simply indulging your mind in a new life philosophy. One thing is certain this month, Leo. The areas of travel, going back to school and even dealing with lawyers are strong possibilities this month. Mars is also in Aries, so expect passion, love and lots of action, excitement and unexpected happenings in these areas as April opens, Leo. Venus will enter Taurus, your 10th House of prestige from 4/15 - 5/9.  On 4/20, Mars will also enter Taurus and your 10th House. Expect sex and matters related to your sexuality to be emphasized during this month when Mars is in both Aries and Taurus. Men will be especially helpful to you, Leo. 

On 4/12, Pluto will turn retrograde in Capricorn and your 6th House of repair, maintenance, career and your health and physical wellness. You will notice changes whenever Pluto turns retrograde in your 6th House. This retrograde cycle lasts until September 20th, so get used to some slow downs, changes and adjustments to your career, repair issues and your health during this time.  

A New Moon falls in Aries on 4/10. There will be several major planets occupying Aries on this day. New Moons bring offers to you in areas such as higher education, publishing and overseas travel. You could find a new spiritual essence taking over your life. Remember that these areas will be fortunate for you throughout April, so take full advantage of any of these areas that appeal to you. Follow your instincts and know you are on the right track.

A Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse falls in Scorpio on 4/25 in your 4th House of home and family.  Your home, family, relatives and where you live will all be under the spotlight on this Full Moon. Issues from your past that you might have long buried come to the surface and could involve your family, a relationship past or someone you share an important history with, Leo. Eclipses typically represent beginnings and endings.  Your domestic life and a serious relationship will be under the magnifying glass on this Eclipse. You might be feeling emotional about a sexual relationship or someone you are deeply in love with.    

Great Days for Leo: 4/1, 4/3, 4/14, 4/15, 4/19 & 4/24

Not so great days: 4/2, 4/4, 4/9, 4/11, 4/16, 4/21 & 4/30

An Aries, Taurus and a Libra will play key roles in your life this month, Leo. A Scorpio will play a surprise role, Leo.