Lunar Eclipse/ Full Moon in Scorpio
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon falls in
your 8th House of power, transformation and rebirth, Aries. You find yourself
anxious to jump back into dating after a hiatus. Now is the time to get out and
mingle with those who are like minded and want to be in your company. Be sure
that the feelings are mutual as aspects indicate an attraction to someone from
a different background or someone much older or younger than you. It's a time
of finding someone who is not the type you normally choose.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon transits
your 7th House of marriage and true love. You could find yourself having more
admirers than you know what to do with. It's time to get serious about love
with the Sun and Mars in your sign. There are changes in love on the horizon.
It's all up to you, Taurus. However you handle yourself today determines the
next six months where marriage, divorce and those who oppose you are involved.
You will be highly desirable to many and yet you might not view it this way.
Set the standard you wish to achieve and others will follow your lead.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your
6th House of repair and maintenance. It's time for Gemini to mix/change up as
far as his or her love life. Changes have been coming for awhile now and you
can find yourself in a reflective mood as you ponder roads you didn't take and
analyze the path you ultimately find yourself on. There is a chance to close
the door on the past and prepare to begin again. Couples should spend some
quality time together which will help strengthen the bonds that bind them
together. This is also a day where the spotlight falls on your health, wellness
and nutrition. Health issues are clarified under the Full Moon.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your
5th House of sex and creativity. Additionally, with Venus in your 11th House,
you might find yourself giving too freely of yourself to friends of your
resources and not getting anything in return. All Cancers have excellent luck
in love but avoid a tendency to stick with someone who takes but does not give
back. Realize that you might start doubting yourself and your choices as you
reflect back to early January. Make choices that bring about balance in your
most intimate relationships or you could find yourself regretting giving so
freely of yourself, single or married. It's time to put your foot down and
demand equality in all your love relationships, Cancer.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your
4th House of family and relatives. Exercise patience with relatives and
friends, especially today. Love has a way of finding you, Leo. Instead of
rushing things, why not try a slow and measured pace to surprise the one you
adore? It will work wonders for your relationship. A Taurus, Libra and a Scorpio
could find you irresistibly attractive. Do something completely out of your
comfort zone today and surprise your love with this new mind set. Keeping the
one you love guessing can add mystery and excitement, but do it in a way that
will gain added trust and loyalty. Issues from your past weigh heavily on Leo,
single or coupled.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your
3rd House of communications and short distance travels. Realize, Virgo that
sometimes you have to endure the rain to experience the rainbow. Don't allow
distractions from work or family to interfere in your love life, not today,
Virgo. There are new prospects ahead and an existing relationship could create
a stronger bond and restore the intense chemistry between you. Love is heating
up with the right person but you must be available, vulnerable and trusting for
best results. You are naturally analytic in love - being ruled by Mercury.
There is a secret admirer that will come forward in the coming months or even
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your
2nd House of possessions and money. There is an all or nothing attitude
prevailing in your love, money and personal possessions sector this eclipse.
You might be baffled that your own attitude seems to be undergoing intense
changes when it comes to the subject of love. You will want to make that
commitment and get serious about finding someone to love, if single. A
friendship can warm up to the point of a serious commitment. Coupled Libra find
that they are exactly where they want to be. Don't get irritable if people
don't meet your expectations today.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your
1st House of personality and appearance. You could find others have opinions
about you, for better or for worse. Realize that you will be considered
attractive, popular and in demand whenever the Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters
your 1st House, Scorpio, so know that negative comments are a sign of envy or
jealousy. It's a four star day as you get what you want and have time to spare.
This is a day to be of service to others, Scorpio. Be sympathetic, kind and
compassionate to others for best results. The signs of Gemini, Libra and a
Sagittarius bring unexpected news, Scorpio.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your
12th House of solitude and things happening behind closed doors. You might find
that you are ready to make a fresh start in a new direction when it comes to
your love life. Your "mojo" is gaining momentum and you find yourself
pondering the issues of loyalty, true love and monogamy. It's so easy for you
to find love but it can seem equally hard to hold on to it, especially this
year. Coupled Sagittarius have a serious conversation about whether or not
needs are being met. Handle all romantic areas with extreme care today.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your
11th House of hopes, wishes and friendships. Love might be feeling more like
friendship than excitement for coupled Capricorn. Try to tone down your high
expectations and stop being so hard on yourself, Capricorn. It's time to take
stock of your behavior in love and make sure YOU are reciprocating the love you
believe you deserve. Are your relationships an equal measure of giving and
receiving or is it a one way street? Realize that you might not be seeing an
existing lover in his or her true light. Take time to seriously consider what
it is that you truly desire in love, and make sure your thinking is grounded in
reality, not fantasy.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your 10th House
of people in power and prestige today, Aquarius. You make progress in love
where there have recently been obstacles. Love is currently confusing for
Aquarius as they are seeking some alone time but still want companionship and
love. Commitments could be rethought and reexamined. There may be lessons for
you to learn when it comes to love, authority figures and your public image.
You could find yourself caught up in a clandestine romance which could happen
quickly and unexpectedly.
The Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon enters your 9th House of
travel and people and places at a distance and overseas, Pisces. You might feel
as though you are giving and not receiving where love is concerned today and of
late. Take a closer look at your attitudes regarding love, Pisces. There are those
who you feel are not living up to their promises. This can leave you dazed,
confused and wondering if you are making the right choices in love. Avoid those
who might give the impression they are free, when, in actuality, they are not.
Don't give up on love but get realistic about whom you choose to spend your
time with, Pisces.