
Lunar and Solar Eclipses in 2013

Lunar and Solar Eclipses 2013

4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 8th House
5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 2nd House
5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 9th House
10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 1st House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 8th House
4/25 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 7th House
5/9- Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 1st House
5/25- Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 8th House
10/18 - Lunar Eclipse in Aries - Your 12th House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 7th House

4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 6th House
5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 12th House  
5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 7th House
10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 11th House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 6th House

  4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 5th House
5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 11th House
5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 6th House
10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 10th House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 5th House
4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 4th House  
5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 10th House
  5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 5th House
10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 9th House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 4th House

  4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 3rd House
5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 9th House
5/25- Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 4th House
10/18- Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 8th House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 3rd House

  4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 2nd House
5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 8th House
5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 3rd House
10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 7th House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 2nd House
4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 1st House
5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 7th House
  5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 2nd House
  10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 6th House
  11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 1st House

4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 12th House
  5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 6th House
5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 1st House
10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 5th House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 12th House
  4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 11th House
  5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 5th House
5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 12th House
  10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 4th House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 11th House
4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 10th House
 5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 4th House
 5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 11th House
  10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 3rd House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 10th House

4/25 - Lunar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 9th House
5/9 - Solar eclipse in Taurus - Your 3rd House
5/25 - Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius - Your 10th House
 10/18 - Lunar eclipse in Aries - Your 2nd House
11/3 - Solar eclipse in Scorpio - Your 9th House


If an eclipse falls in your 1st House - Taking a strong stand, changing your appearance and independent thinking will be highlighted. This can be also be a time of greater self-awareness.

If an eclipse falls in your 2nd House - Money and how you spend, save and accumulate it will be of major concern. You could make money, spend it and ultimately decide what you value about your possessions and how you view money in general.

If an eclipse falls in your 3rd House - Your car, computer or another form of transportation could break down, communications get heated, and possible squabbles with siblings and neighbors may occur.

If an eclipse falls in your 4th House - Issues over your home life will take precedence. You might decide what family really means to you. Where you live and your family will be in the spotlight, for better or for worse.

If an eclipse falls in your 5th House - Romance could enter or exit your life. Children play a role and a desire to express creativity could suddenly come alive.

If an eclipse falls in your 6th House - Be careful of accidents. Your daily routines could change suddenly. A health issue could come to your attention. On the flip side, you could find a daily routine that ultimately suits you better.

If an eclipse falls in your 7th House - Pressure on serious relationships could occur. There could also be an emphasis on what you might need to give in order to sustain a relationship. The flip side could involve even divorce or a relationship pushed to the brink, as well as lawsuits or legal entanglements. It's could also be a time of marriage, signing business contracts and making serious commitments.

If an eclipse falls in your 8th House - Issues of birth and death come to light. It is also a time of debts, other people's money and sexual relationships. Money matters you share with another could also be affected during this time.

If an eclipse falls in your 9th House - You might question the meaning of your life and the world we live in and want to go in a new direction entirely. You might decide to go back to school, explore a religion or spiritual area or you may want to step outside of your comfort zone altogether.

If an eclipse falls in your 10th House - Status and reputation will be granted or denied. You could rise to power or fall from it. Your public reputation comes under scrutiny for better or for worse. If you have spent a great deal of time focusing on an area of your life, you might find that it might not go so well after all. This is a time when you can get public recognition, for better or for worse.

If an eclipse falls in your 11th House - Your friendships and your reputation come sharply into focus during this eclipse. Friendships, group activities and what other people think will matter more as your reputation could be analyzed by others, for better or for worse.

If an eclipse falls in your 12th House - Great spiritual insight or an event may cause one to seek a retreat and hide away from the world. Loneliness and self imposed isolation may be present during this time. Alternatively, you could tap into your creativity and make a breakthrough in all areas ruled by the 12th House.

If you know your rising sign, please read that sign as well.