
Virgo Yearly Forecast for 2014

Painting by Gregory Morss

Mercury (Your ruling planet - represents communications, concepts/ideas and travel). You tend to live in a world of ideas/concepts, Virgo. You have a strong affinity for words, ideas, books, reading, concepts and expressing yourself effectively. Whenever Mercury enters your sign Virgo (8/15-9/2), or transits a compatible earth element (Taurus (4/23-5/7) & Capricorn (12/16 -1/5/15), your vitality peaks, you're super detail oriented and your heightened precision is unmatched. In other words, you stand out and get noticed! Mercury exerts the strongest influence in your solar chart, Virgo. You're always at your personal best whenever your ruling planet transits your 1st House, Virgo! If you know your natal Mercury, pay attention to the element/sign and then watch for those periods/transits when Mercury travels through them. For example if you have Mercury in Leo, then whenever Mercury transits a fire element, those periods would feel most comfortable for you, Virgo.

Mars (Planet of physical energy/motivation and sexuality) will be in Libra, your 2nd House of finance and personal possessions for the first 7 plus months of 2014. With Mars moving in your 2nd House, issues regarding your possessions and money will be powerful and lead to some mind blowing events. You could make more money or conclude that your overall income is looking better than you anticipated. Mars turns retrograde on 3/1 - 5/19. During this time, key relationships, your hopes and even financial matters slow down, stall altogether or seem to move at the slowest pace. Your physical energy could slow down or you not have the motivation or wherewithal to complete projects. During this time, it is advisable to not make any drastic personal or financial changes. Finances will be a touchy subject during this retrograde, Virgo. Avoid large purchases and recheck/review your financial records for mistakes in errors. Those closest to you (as well as yourself) could experience some upsets with regards to finances and serious relationships (Libra) during this retrograde(3/1/-5/19). Once Mars moves direct, these areas begin to gain powerful momentum (5/19-7/25). You won't be sluggish, incisiveness or moody. Your finances won't be as stressful and your sexuality begins to pick up steam. Hard working Virgos will be well compensated with Mars moving direct. You're considered a studious, loyal and diligent worker, so you can expect gains in income with Mars moving forward in Libra.   

Excellent times for appreciation, love and applause in 2014 occur whenever the planet Venus transits an earth sign element. For you that would be when Venus occupies Taurus (5/28 - 6/23), Virgo (9/5 - 9/29) and Capricorn (12/10 -1/4/15). During these dates, you're feeling upbeat, less stressed and notice others will be more drawn to you. These are great times/periods for single or coupled Virgo. Couples can expect to get closer or make a bigger commitment. Singles could meet a potential new love or take the next step during these dates. 

Jupiter (luck, expansion and good fortune) begins the year in the compatible water sign of Cancer, your 11th House of friendships, hopes/wishes and groups to which you belong) Expect these areas to favor you and bring you a deep sense of satisfaction and movement. Prosperous Jupiter enters Leo, your 12th House of privacy on 7/16. During the first seven plus months of 2014, you experience expansion and good fortune in friendships, groups and your hopes and wishes. It all depends on what you desire, yearn for and most importantly, what you believe. Your biggest gains come from this lucky planet that will tour through your 11th and 12th Houses in 2014, Virgo. Once Jupiter enters Leo, you experience movement and expansion in areas such as psychology, secrets, the deep past and where institutions are involved. Jupiter enters Leo on 7/16-8/13/15. Someone special from a foreign country could light your fire and change everything in 2014, Virgo.   

For you, Virgo. It's a #4 personal year. The signs of Gemini, Libra and an Aquarius are involved. A Gemini could seem like an enigma to you this year. Gemini will lean on you for moral support and you return the favor and then some, Virgo.  A Libra helps you solve mysteries and figure out what is going on behind closed doors. A Libra promises to support you in good times and not so good times. A Libra also professes loyalty to you. An Aquarius shares you outlook and supports your beliefs. An Aquarius could be someone you share a history with. An ongoing relationship gets better with an Aquarius this year. 

In 2014, you posses a sexual magnetism and effortless grace that mystifies and intrigues others when in your presence. A new you emerges in 2014, Virgo
Your BEST months of 2014: February, August & November
Your best colors: Khaki, winter white and navy blue.