
Aries November Love and Romance Forecast for 2014

The Sun and Venus transit your 8th House of security systems, savings, finances, sex, deeply committed relationships insurance, inheritance, security, taxes, insurance, investments, property matters, a partner's resources and sheds light on shared income matters, Aries.

Venus (Love and Money) will tour the water sign of Scorpio until 11/16. During this time, you could become ultra focused on your finances, receive a raise or promotion and/or someone close to you, such as a romantic partner, could boost your financial status. Remember, where Venus travels is where you are most likely to benefit. The 8th House also rules insurance, taxes and mortgages. You could get a lucky break in one of these areas and you will gain a deeper understanding of a deeply committed relationship. On 11/16, Venus enters the compatible sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is your 9th House of publishing, overseas travel and foreign people and distant places. You will notice that you benefit from these areas once Venus enters Sagittarius. Throughout the entire month of November, you notice your intuition is razor sharp, Aries and relationships with women could be challenging at times. 

Your best days for love are: 11/4, 11/10, 11/13, 11/14, 11/18, 11/19

Your best days for money are: 11/6 & 11/28