
Aries June Forecast for 2014

Welcome to June, Aries.Throughout this month, you will be reading, writing and analyzing the character of others. Your ideas might change. You could experience a change of heart about people you thought differently about as the year began. A Gemini, Virgo and a Sagittarius will play key roles in your life this month.  As the month begins, The planet of Communications, (Mercury) will move direct in Cancer, your 4th House of  home, residence and relatives. For the first seven days of June, Mercury gives you the power to effectively communicate your thoughts and ideas regarding all topics/things domestic. On 6/7, Mercury will retrograde in Cancer creating a sudden reversal and or changing everything in your home sector temporarily. Suddenly, your family life will seem chaotic or full of misunderstandings and snafus. On 6/17, Mercury will slip back into Gemini and this could bring about delays or cancellations with travel, socializing or where neighbors and community matters are involved. Once Mercury (Communications) turns direct on 7/1, family life resumes a normal pace, relations with relatives show improvement, travel plans move forward and issues from the past carry less weight than you previously imagined them to have. Mercury retrograde in the early degrees of Cancer from 6/7 - 6/17 and then moves back into Gemini and resumes direct in Gemini on 7/1. During this retrograde, your 3rd and 4th Houses will be activated and experiencing some delays and frustrations, Aries. On 7/1, Mercury resumes direct in Gemini and enters Cancer on 7/12.

 A Full Moon occurs on 6/13 in Sagittarius. New Moons bring about new offers. With Uranus (Things you never saw coming) forming a smooth angle to this Full moon, you can expect the unexpected when it comes to travel, higher education, publishing and while interacting with people from overseas, out of state and those at a distance. This Full moon is in compatible fire sign, so you might have a serious desire to travel, return to school or broaden your horizons, Aries. 

Neptune will retrograde in Pisces (your 12th House) on 6/9 and remains retrograde until 11/15. Neptune blurs the boundaries between you and others, Aries. This retrograde will be subtle, but you will find it challenging to separate your head from your heart during this time. Personal relationships will be ultra important to you and you might have a tendency to turn minor matters into major ones. Neptune represents what we dream about - it can heighten our intuition, bring about change in a romance and bring on major nostalgia. With Neptune retrograde in your 12th House, you might not see people and relationships as they really are - You could be viewing your partners as you might like for them to be. This would be an ideal time (Neptune retrograde) to practice a mind body discipline, take a yoga class, study psychology or keep track of your dreams. The 12th House is a place of privacy, so you might want to keep your thoughts to yourself during this long retrograde (of Neptune in your 12th House) that lasts until 11/15. Your attention promises to turn inwards during this time and you take a sudden interest in spiritual pursuits.

Mars (Physical Energy/motivation) continues its transit in Libra, your 7th House of marriage. This is a fortune period to go into business with a partner, but make sure you don't begin anything new until Mercury retrograde is over. With Mars (your ruling planet) in your 7th House of marriage, relationships take on more significance and require more commitment. During June, you must be cautious about getting into disagreements with professional and personal partners. Be open to compromise in this area of your life this month with Neptune and Mercury both retrograde!  

Venus (Love & money)  will transit Taurus this month. This transit lasts 5/28 - 6/23. Venus in your 2nd House brings about more money to your disposal. Anything having to do with creative projects or the arts should promise a generous return! You will become more security conscious this month, especially when dealing with your finances, property matters and where your self worth is involved. A surge in confidence emerges as you learn the meaning of value as it applys to your love life and where you deal with your personal posesssions. If single, Aries has many offers during Venus in Taurus, so pay attention. Women will be especially helpful to you and so will a Taurus who wants the best for you.

A New Moon forms in Cancer on 6/27. Cancer is your 4th House of motherhood, issues past and deals with family and residential matters. New Moons bring about new offers. Cancer is a water sign so there will be a good chance that news of a birth, news relating to a family member or your home takes place. Your domestic life is bound to bring on some serious news on this Full Moon, Aries.    

Your BEST days for June: 6/2, 6/4, 6/8, 6/13, 6/14, 6/18 & 6/30
Good money date: 6/3, 6/21
Stand out dates:  6/7 & 6/17
Signs involved Taurus, Leo and a Scorpio are involved. A Taurus helps you with finances and tells you secrets. A Taurus could be a close relative or someone who feels a compelling connection with you. A Leo lights your fire and lifts your spirits, Aries. A Leo wants/desires a stronger commitment from you in an ongoing relationship. A Leo declares his or her loyalty and devotion to you this month. A Scorpio reminds you of finances and dealing with earning additional sources of income. A Scorpio also sheds light on an inheritance, property or insurance matter this month.