
Aries 2015 January Monthly Forecast Astrology

Where you will benefit in love, popularity and money this month?


Venus transits your 11th House of friendships, hopes and your personal desires. This is a month when your friendships bring appreciation, admiration and love your way, Aries. Any group involvements, friendships and your hopes and wishes are sprinkled with all the love you could ask for. Your ruling planet, Mars, transits the intuitive sign of Pisces this month and your 12th House of behind the scenes, isolation and what you do in private. The way you behave behind closed doors will be offbeat or unusual in some way during this transit. Mars represents physical energy and a heightened sexuality. It can also bring success with males, Aries. Your intuition heightens during this transit and like Pisces, you can expect to "know without knowing" what a romantic partner(s) and the public is/are thinking. If single, a romance could be taking place in secret. Couples will enjoy and benefit from more time together, behind closed doors.