
Leo 2015 January Monthly Astrology Forecast

Where you will benefit in love, popularity and money this month?

Venus will enter your 7th House of marriage, business relationships and the legal system on 1/3. Women will be helpful to you. You could be making a greater commitment to an ongoing love such as getting married or spending your limited/spare time with a new or ongoing love interest. There will be celebrations, parties and appreciation headed your way through romantic partners, single or coupled. Mars (Physical Energy/ Sexuality) will also enter Pisces and your 8th House of sex, deeply committed relationships and resources/money you share with others this month. Be careful with Mars in your 8th House, Leo. You could become too aggressive with partners and alienate those you were hoping to impress, personally and professionally. There could be a surprise legal matter that deals with a contract this month. Be fair, honest and truthful when it comes to your marriage/commitment, money and any serious relationships this month for best results. You might be surprised at what transpires, Leo!