
Aquarius 2015 January Monthly Astrology Forecast Horoscope

Where you will benefit in love, popularity and money this month, Aquarius?

With Venus in your sign from 1/3 - 1/27, Aquarius, your self-confidence, sex appeal and a flirtation heats up, big time and escalates, fast! Aquarius love life is definitely looking up. Additionally, with Jupiter (Expansion and luck) moving forward in the compatible fire sign of Leo, a marriage, your love life and your love of children, hobbies and fun reach maximum levels. If coupled, an ongoing commitment makes it to the next level. Marriage, children or moving in together are on your agenda in 2015, Aquarius! Other people will be drawn to your appeal and find you beyond attractive this month, Aquarius. Single Aquarius should get out and mingle with others! Love at first sight is a serious possibility in 2015, for single and coupled Aquarians.