
Cancer Yearly Astrology Forecast Horoscope for 2015

Cancer 2015 year at a glance:

It's a year of creativity, personal growth, foreign travel, publishing and brings forth new concepts, Cancer. The way you view the world is changing and transforming at levels that even surprise you, Cancer, and in 2015, you might find that although your personal freedom is important to you, so is your private life. You could be traveling throughout 2015 and any trips you undertake promise to bring greater fortune, serious offers and opportunities, especially when dealing with people born in foreign countries and distant places. In 2015, you learn how the other "half lives" and ask yourself questions such as "Why didn't I do this earlier?  The signs of Gemini and Sagittarius will play key roles in your year, personally, socially and professionally.

Where you get lucky....

Jupiter begins 2015 retrograde in your 2nd House of personal possessions, what and who you value, money matters and the 2nd House also deals with your self-worth. Jupiter is all about expansion, good fortune and prosperity. Jupiter can also influence your belief system.  While Jupiter is retrograde until 4/8, you can expect to encounter some delays or misunderstandings relating to money and this might lead to emotional experiences and extend to personal feelings about your own self-worth, Cancer. Whenever this planet goes retrograde, your energy turns inwards and you will review how you spend, save and earn your money during this time. You know how to make money and how to save it, so this transit should be relatively easy for you, Cancer. Jupiter resumes direct on 4/8, so until then, try and look at your priorities in the way you spend your income and deal with those people and valuables (possessions) that mean the world to you.Do your very best to try and save some money, if possible, and let the key players in your life know how much they mean to you, Cancer. With Jupiter moving direct in Leo, you will entertain and be entertained and you won't have to break the bank to have some fun. Jupiter in Leo is all about showmanship, socializing, personal appearances and drama mixed with entertainment,  so you might desire to look and feel your very best throughout this transit. Jupiter will enter Virgo, your 3rd House of siblings, neighbors, daily life, the Internet, writing, community matters and neighbors on 8/11. You will notice the good fortune, luck and expansion Jupiter brings when it comes to both your 2nd and 3rd Houses in 2015, Cancer! 

What you might need to learn, Cancer. Your 6th House of work, health and your daily routines

Saturn (Karma) begins 2015 in your 6th House of health, your daily routines, service to others and your interactions your associates, your job and repair and maintenance issues. This is your year to end a bad habit, if you have one. This is also a time of moderation where your eating, exercise and any wellness issues are involved. If you have not been taking care of yourself in these areas, expect to hear about it during this time. This is also a time of hard work, focus and serious dedication where you career is involved, Cancer. In fact, you could feel overwhelmed where you deal with your daily work load during this time but you might need to learn a lesson about this area of your life, Cancer. As long as you have put forth hard work in these areas, you will be rewarded for your maturity and discipline. Saturn will retrograde back into your 5th House of children, romance and creativity/creative projects one more time before this planet officially stations direct in Sagittarius. Saturn retrogrades back into Scorpio on 3/14 - 8/1. During this final phase of Saturn in your 5th House, you have one last chance to correct any mistakes you might have made in 2014 when it comes to passion, children and creative projects. Alternatively,  If you have been putting forth the long term structures and built solid foundations, then you will reap the rewards and if not, you will reap what you have sown! With Saturn in your 6th House, you could be dealing with intense issues in your place of employment. There could also be some differences with people you work with closely. The key to navigating this transit is to put in the time, extend kindness to others and make sure you perform any tasks or assignments given to you with precision and hard work, Cancer. There could be some people who might not appreciate what you do on the job, but ignore the naysayers, Cancer. This is a year to realize that you're never going to make anyone 100% happy, no matter what you do, Cancer. 

Where there has been slow but powerful change & a personal and total transformation for you....

Pluto has been in Capricorn - your 7th House of marriage, legal contracts, divorce and open enemies since 2008. In Astrology, Pluto is all about tearing down in order to rebuild. It is also the planet of personal transformation. When placed in your 7th House, you will have seen by now how this transit is playing out and will continue to bring you slow but powerful changes in this area of your chart, Cancer. Some Cancers will get married, while others might be dealing with a legal contract or legalities. Either way, your life as it pertains to these very areas promises to transform in ways you never imagined, Cancer. The topics of marriage, divorce, legal issues and open enemies are involved, so take note and watch how this area of your life brings about big changes, Cancer.   

Excellent dates for Love and Romance in 2015:

Your best times for love are anytime Venus tours a water sign - for you that would be when Venus transits Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

Venus in Cancer - 5/7 - 6/6

Venus in Scorpio - 12/5 - 12/30
Venus in Pisces - 1/27 - 2/20  
You're at your most persuasive, alluring and powerful whenever Mars, planet of sexuality, passion and persuasiveness transits your 1st or 5th House. This is a powerful time for you whenever Mars transits your 1st House and a passionate time when Mars tours your 5th House. Pay attention to the times listed below to see how this dates play out for you, Cancer!  

Mars in your 1st House - 5/12 - 6/24

Mars in your 5th House - 1/12 - 2/20

**********In 2015, Venus will retrograde (not a good time for love but a good time for ex loves to reappear) in Leo. This takes place 7/25 - 9/6 and impacts your 2nd House of possessions and what you believe to be valuable, so pay attention during these dates. You could also rethink a relationship during this time, Cancer.