
Fashion Astrology- Your best looks, styles and colors

 Fashion Astrology - Your best looks, styles and colors 

Aries:  The tailored and sophisticated look fits you perfectly.  In 2015, it's also the hot trend to follow. Mars is your planetary ruler, so choose shades of red, rose and plum to make the ram desirable and hot. Men-try a lipstick red silk tie to catch the eye of that hottie. Girls: choose a red hot lip gloss to make the guy of your dreams follow you anywhere. 


Taurus:  The romantic look suits Taurus.  Ruffles for girls and softer loose sweaters for the bull always flatter both women and men. Pastels and ivory are most flattering but be sure not to cover up that great body, Taurus. 


Gemini:  The casual look works for the twins, male and female.  Open collars and jeans for guys and sleek tank tops for girls. Tangy colors like orange, lemon or peach make you bootylicious to the  same and opposite sex. 


Cancer:  Use that toned body to wear sexy tops and tight jeans.  You'll use shades of purple and grey to attract a new lover. True love awaits the Crab who comes out of his or her shell and is ready to party in 2015! 


Leo:  Use your sunny self-centeredness to find sexy looks that make the lion irresistible.  Shades of red and yellow or animal prints will let the Lion shine and attract your true soulmate, Leo. 


Virgo:  The casual but trendy look makes you turn heads.  Close to the body fashions in darker earth shades compliment your good looks and attract those who have been wanting to see more of you, Virgo.   


Libra:  Venus rules fashion so you know exactly what makes you very, very sexy.  Silk and satin on the outside express your sensuality and arouse erotic thoughts in those who admire the elegant Libra.  Designer fashions are your aphrodisiac. 

Scorpio:  Anything in dark red, charcoal or black shows the scorpions naturally sexy side.  You can wear leather, linen, suede and look sexy in nothing but jeans, sportswear or a sweat suit. Understated, overstated or casual, no problem! Scorpio knows how to dress for every occasion and always appears glamorous in anything black, revealing or sophisticated.  


Sagittarius:  Practical fabrics that don't wrinkle are for you since travel is in your stars in 2015. Shades of purple and green in clothing that is easy to remove can be appealing to your seat mate on that international flight  Drinks at the Ritz? 


Capricorn:  Sophisticated and alluring in all black with stiletto heels for female goats works like a charm. Male Capricorns will find a lover who will appreciate your tailored designer suits and custom made shirts with french cuffs and be unable to deny you anything and I mean anything. 


Aquarius:  Create your own hot look using eclectic styles. Ladies: lace tops with jeans.  Gentlemen: tight black tees with tailored charcoal slacks. Accessorize with silver and the water bearer will have to choose Mr. or Ms Right from scores of admirers in 2015. 


Pisces:  Your fashion statement is like the fish; that is, the fish swimming upstream.  You go against the trend and sometimes shock potential lovers.  You don't give a damn and so attract the rebels who love your anti-establishment look. Try to tone it down and let potential soulmates see that you are not really so outrageous after all, Pisces.