
Venus in Leo

Aries - Leo is your 5th House of love, creativity and taking risks, Aries. Your love life is going from zero to hero in a major way under this transit. Since Leo is a naturally dramatic, prideful and regal sign, you might find yourself in a nitpick mood when it comes to picking the perfect person/ideal partner for a serious relationship. You could notice little flaws in a potential partner but even then, you will have more opportunities to meet the love of your life, Aries. Coupled Aries can and will bond closer than ever while singles realize that there are many options for a new love with various admirers to choose from. Talk of commitment, marriage and making a serious commitment occurs during this time but you must tone down your perfectionist tendencies. 

Taurus- Leo is your 4th House of residence, issues past, foundations/endings and home life. Love can be found at home during this time for all Taurus, single or coupled. Coupled Taurus could find love at at new and more beautiful home/residence, while sprucing up their current one or might feel most secure surrounded by family/relatives who appreciate and give Taurus the applause they need/seek during this powerful time with a heavy emphasis on your home life. If single, Taurus (You) could meet the love of your life through a relative, while moving to a new location, via travel or meet someone new unexpectedly through a family member, such as a sibling. Single or coupled, Taurus is primed to get lucky meeting someone who resides in a different, new or the same neighborhood. 

Gemini - Leo is your 3rd House of communications, siblings, short distance travel and day to day living, Gemini. Venus in Leo  brings increased popularity and affection via siblings, taking short trips or while dealing in community affairs or mingling with your neighbors, Gemini. Single Gems could meet someone they feel a strong bond with quite unexpectedly while on a trip, when socializing with people in your present community or when a cousin decides to set you up. Internet dating would be a great idea as the 3rd House rules communications. Single or coupled, Gemini has the midas touch in his or her family life, where they live and when they deal with travel during Venus in Leo. 

Cancer - Leo is your 2nd House of income, values and deals with your feelings of self-worth, Cancer. With Venus in Leo, Cancer will begin focusing in on what he or she feels is valuable, whether that is a person, place or thing. Plus, more money is made available to you via your career, a special assignment or via an unexpected encounter. There will be a sense of security when it comes to  Cancers (your) need for financial security. This is a good time to come up with innovative ways of making money. And if any sign can make money, it's YOU, Cancer! 

Leo -  This is your time to step in the spotlight and shine, Leo! Now, you're really on a roll and ready to pounce on opportunities that involve money, love and greater harmony and there will be many! Singles could meet someone mysterious from overseas while couples decide where to go from here. Single or coupled, romance, professional and personal opportunities are at your beck and call. Did someone just hear the phone ring? It's for you, so go get it and stop reading this right now. 

Virgo - Leo is your 12th House of privacy, institutions and deals with issues from the deep past. There could be a relationship taking place behind the scenes, secrets being discussed behind your back or love that does occur might make you desire some seclusion, privacy and the do not disturb sign. Whatever you do uncover could surprise you but you might have to learn about what has been hidden in order to move on and forgive a partner. Remember, Venus brings love without much effort of your part, so whatever transpires will benefit you in the long run. Your secrets or the secrets of others will come to your attention and it's better to know what is really happening than to bury your head in the sand or obsess in typical Virgo fashion!  Single or coupled,This is an excellent time to focus on dreams, psychology or take a second look at a current partner, Virgo! 

Libra - Venus (Your ruler) is in Leo (your 11th House of hopes, wishes and  group involvements/affiliations). You could discover an artistic talent you possess during this time, Libra. You could meet someone at your place of employment or find someone at your job finds you beyond fascinating. This individual decides that you are primed for a position of authority and turns out to be one of your biggest supporters. There could also be some news offers when it comes to groups and your long term friendships. Someone in a power position is ready to assist you during this transit and how. Singles will get closer to their dreams and wishes while couples discover they feel more connected and even closer.

Scorpio - Venus (Love and money) tours Leo (your 10th House of career, public persona, authority figures and prestige. Everything you do related to your career or profession promises to be well received by the public, Scorpio. Your career can amaze you as new offers come your way, professionally. If you make efforts to network during this time, you could meet a new love on the job. Be aware that there could be some romantic, social or surprise entanglements if you're already involved, Scorpio. Someone you thought was a friend could actually not be so nice after all. A hidden agenda will be revealed in a surprising way! Singles can meet a new love where they work while couples will be attracted a lavish lifestyle. 

Sagittarius - Venus (Love, Money and all things harmonious) remains in Leo (your 9th House of publishing, overseas travel and deals with your spiritual views). Expect to find yourself more drawn to higher education, publicity, promotion and your world views will tend to be more examined during this transit. Single or coupled, You will love this transit of Venus in the compatible fire sign of Leo as it brings appreciation, admiration and beauty to these areas of your life. Single or coupled, Sagittarius could meet someone born in a foreign country or be dealing with a love interest who lives from a distance. Coupled or single, it's time for Sagittarius to shake up their love life and singles can meet someone who shares the same spiritual views as they do. Coupled Sagittarius will be receptive to introducing new experiences into their relationship such as overseas travel, exploring a new culture or via examining a new life philosophy together. 

Capricorn - Venus (Love and Money) in Leo impacts your 8th House of death, sex and birth, don't be entirely surprised if you find yourself dealing with supernatural topics such as ghosts, life after death and possibly Astrology. Remember that where Venus travels in what sign and what House is where you are most likely to benefit without much effort on your part, Capricorn. The 8th House also rules insurance, taxes, inheritance issues, other peoples money and mortgages. You could get a break in one of these areas and or you could also gain a greater appreciation of a deeply committed relationship. On the flip side, you could become overly theatrical and dramatic when it comes to where you live and family life this week. 

Aquarius - Venus (Love and Money) is in Leo, your 7th House of marriage and legal contracts, Aquarius. This transit promises to heighten your most important relationships with key players and serious partners, business and professional. With Venus in your opposite sign, expect some contracts to be signed, a love to grow deeper and if coupled, increased discussions relating to one another as well as yourselves. If single, the chances are beyond high that you could attract a new love interest but you must participate and avoid staying in. Expect powerful and drastic changes in your personal and professional life.

Pisces - Venus (Love and Money) is in Leo, your 6th House of routines, daily work, repairs and maintenance. With Venus in your 6th House of health and repairs, there could be some sudden smooth sailing via your career or you hear about a health improvement, yours or someone close to you. This would be an ideal time to end a destructive or bad habit, so take note if applicable, Pisces. With Venus in Leo, you might enjoy the drama and intensity of the fire sign Leo as Leo is not a compatible element to your water element. As with any forecasts though, you need to always check your Rising, Moon and other personal planets as well as Saturn! Those Pisces whose health might have been not so great are in for a treat as news you receive could be even better than expected. Single Pisces can meet a love interest via the gym or when working on self-improvement while couples will benefit from working out together as the couple who plays together stays together!