
The Moon through each House/Sign of the Zodiac - Daily activities suited for these Astrology transits

 When the Moon transits Aries in Astrology
Aries is the 1st House in Astrology

The Moon in Aries is a time to get motivated and begin new ventures. This is a great time to start over, begin a new project or get seriously motivated to accomplish whatever you set out to do. You might notice an air of impatience in the air today. People will tend to be forceful, short fused and aggressive. Everyone wants to be first or expects to be, or so it might seem. 

Be extra careful while at work and when driving, especially as people in general will be short-tempered and in no mood to be courteous. Avoid accidents by taking your time. Don't rush or show any hint of impatience as this can seriously backfire. It's a great day to let off steam via any method that helps to relieve tension. Work out, be kind to those who get on your nerves and have patience for anyone who seems slow and unable to catch on quickly. 

This is not a good day for any type of seriously detailed work or following up with anyone or anything where there could be consequences if mistakes are made. People will be less focused on love today and more focused on their own agendas. 

The signs of Aries and Libra will be the ones to watch as they will possess an air of mystery, sex appeal and that extra something special. Expect Aries to be feeling unstoppable and looking exceptionally attractive. Aries will be the most popular today as they can get their way in business, love and just about anything else they put their minds to. Libra might be feeling low on energy but will capture the hearts of his or her special someone, as long they remain honest with their partners. Talk about surprises, Libra!

When the Moon transits Taurus in Astrology
Taurus is the 2nd House in Astrology

Whenever the Moon enters the sign of Taurus, our senses become suddenly heightened. We can respond more so than normal to the pleasures, comfort and the luxuries of life. There can be an urge to lean on creature comforts, whether this is food, drinks or anything that appeals to our personal senses. Listening to music, having a romantic dinner or spending the night in the company of one you love, like or find to be entertaining are excellent activities to do under the Taurus Moon. It's a time of indulgence when we want what we want, when we want it. Good music, good food and good art and excellent literature are also Taurus territory. 
You can expect to find yourself in the mood to treat yourself to something nice. Be aware that you could negotiate a better price for something you have had your eye on as negotiations are particularly well favored during this time. Ask for that discount and you might just get it. You could be surprised to find that people will be in a mood to negotiate so you could find an item of value during this transit for less than it's priced at. These activities are all favored under the Taurus Moon. 
On the practical side, this is also an ideal time to follow up on important projects, lay groundwork for future endeavors and remain as methodical as possible in everything you do. Also, focus on home related activities such as spending time watching the sunset or working on any home related projects or home repair projects. This is not an ideal time to begin a diet, as we will all have a self indulgent bent to our day. If you can afford to, this is an excellent time for investments and real estate matters, so keep that in mind as well. Taurus is all about domesticity, love and harmony.

The signs of Taurus and Scorpio will be the most popular signs today as they will radiate charm, sex appeal and can make strides in whatever they hope to achieve. Taurus will capture the attention of strangers, love and the public, while Scorpio might be feeling low on energy but can do extremely well in all personal affairs. The signs of Taurus and Scorpio can make the news today. They will be considered exceptionally attractive, articulate and entertaining. These signs will surprise all of us with their talents, sensuality and sex appeal.

When the Moon transits Gemini in Astrology
Gemini is the 3rd House in Astrology

The Moon in Gemini is a time to talk the talk and walk the walk. Keep the lines of communication steady and don't be afraid to tell it like it is. Just make sure you use tact and avoid negative comments as they will backfire. People will be talking, so do your best to avoid and beware of gossip, drama and secrets. What's the point? There is a tendency for all of us to multitask more than normal and the need to keep the mood positive/upbeat is essential in order for success today of any kind. This is also a great day for flirting, romance, socializing and making a good impression on others either in person, with telephone calls, texts or email. Keep in touch with the VIPs in your life. You never know what could transpire! Anything is possible under a Gemini Moon!

The signs of Gemini and Sagittarius will be most popular today. These signs will have the upper hand in business and personal relationships. They radiate charm, warmth and sex appeal and will get their way in just about anything today. Step into the spotlight if you are a Gemini or a Sagittarius for great results.Gemini will be feeling popular and admired while Sagittarius could be low on energy but do quite well in the love and romance department. Take advantage of your ability to display your own talent for communication. Just make sure its positive communication and not negative chatter

When the Moon transits Cancer in Astrology
Cancer is the 4th House in Astrology

Whenever the Moon enters the sign of Cancer, we become moody, sensitive and more emotional than usual. People will respond to personal attention and mothering of any kind. It's a day when we will feel like staying home, being nurtured, having a nice family dinner and reaching out to our mothers (especially if we have a good relationship with them). Nostalgia, memories and intuition are heightened. 

You will want to hang onto people and things. This is not a good day to clean out your home or your closet. You could give something away only to want it back at a later date. We will all have shrewd insights into what others really need and want. There is a tendency to be able to instinctively know what others are feeling. It's a great time to pay attention to your dreams and gut reactions. 

Remember under a Cancer Moon that there is no such thing as coincidence. Everything happens for a reason, we relate on a more emotional level as opposed to logical and emotions tend to get overly exaggerated. Get ready for a day of emotions gone wild!

The signs of Cancer and Capricorn will be in the spotlight today. They will have sex appeal, radiate charm and be relentlessly charming in personal and business affairs.

When the Moon transits Leo in Astrology
Leo is the 5th House in Astrology

Whenever the Moon is in Leo, strong decisive feelings of confidence and generosity overcome each and every one of us. Everyone will be feeling more confident, warm, optimistic, generous and in a fun loving mood. It's a great time to ask for a raise, since employers will be feeling more sympathetic to their employees. People will respond to the compliments that we give them so make sure to tell that special someone how great they look, admire something unique about the way they are dressed, or give them a compliment on their hairstyle. Be sure that it's sincere, genuine and truly heartfelt. Under a Leo Moon, we all can easily sense insincerity so be sure you mean what you say.

It's an ideal day to dress to impress, wear jewelry and step into the limelight. We will be feeling extravagant and have tendencies to treat ourselves and those closest to us like royalty. Strut your stuff and show the world what a knockout you are. Be careful, however, of a temptation to overspend as we all will be feeling overly generous, especially towards the people we truly cherish. Don't break the bank and be extra cautious of promising others more than you can deliver.

Pay attention to the signs of Leo and Aquarius today. They will exude sex appeal, confidence and we could find ourselves drawn inexplicably to these powerful signs. They will be the most popular, attractive and able to make tremendous strides in their personal and professional endeavors today and tomorrow. So move over and let Leo and Aquarius take the spotlight where they tend to shine naturally and dazzle us with their personal style, leadership abilities and amazing sense of humor. We could all learn something from these movers and shakers of the Zodiac.

When the Moon transits Virgo in Astrology

Virgo is the 6th House in Astrology

This is a time for practicality, details and tending to personal care, both health and overall wellness. This is not the day to ask for favors, as you might notice others in a critical and fault finding mood. Focus on repairs and maintenance. Try to become an efficiency expert and concentrate on streamlining everything. Have a health check up, start a diet, end an addiction and clean up messes. This is the sign of practicality, so all things practical should be tended to. Clean your house, literally and figuratively. Reorganize your home, love, BUSINESS and family life so they can run more smoothly for you. This is a great time to take control of your finances and try to save money if possible. Cut back on extravagant purchases but be prepared to find others in critical and fault finding moods. OMG! Also, try not to be too hard on yourself or others. This is also an ideal time to rid yourself of any unhealthy lifestyles and work on taking better care of your overall health and personal wellness. The Moon in Virgo will ask you to consider these areas and make the needed adjustments where possible.

Today and tomorrow belong to Virgo and Pisces. Virgo will capture the attention of loved ones and make a name for themselves in business and get special attention from lovers and loved ones while Pisces might be feeling low on energy and listless but can expect to make tremendous strides in his or her love life. All Virgos, single and coupled, will be more appealing to the public and will get noticed by those that MATTER. Virgos will possess a special appeal publicly while Pisces can make a commitment that is bound to last, especially in romance.

When the Moon transits the sign of Libra in Astrology - Libra is the 7th House in Astrology 

Whenever the Moon is in Libra, it's a great time to attend to any pressing or urgent legal affairs, negotiate a better contact (one that you will be happier with), remain diplomatic and kind, spend quality time with a favorite love interest or significant other, treat yourself to something nice, buy a gift for someone special, buy new clothes or makeup (something to make you feel beautiful) and apologize with someone you are on the outs with. It's also an ideal time to socialize and throw a party. The mood lightens and we all become focused on our closest relationships, love and professional.

This is also a time to avoid confrontations, not to raise your voice or treat anyone in an uncivilized matter. If you find yourself having problems with a friend, co-worker or love interest, today is an ideal day to make amends and clear up any past misunderstandings. People will be forgiving so give those you have treated badly a sincere apology and watch as the balance gets restored.

This is an ideal time to plan a romantic evening with the one you love or are interested in. It will be a romantic, elegant night to remember. Libra is the sign of love and wants nothing more than to love another, so take time to make yourself available to those you really hope to impress when it comes to your private life tonight and your career during today.

The signs of Libra and Aries will take center stage and be most popular today. Libras will be in the spotlight as they are well received by the public and will be ultra attractive to everyone. Expect to exude sex appeal, be seen as elegant and have a way with words today, Libra. Aries will also notice the effects of this lunation as they could feel low on energy but can make enormous strides in their most important love relationships.

When the Moon transits the sign of Scorpio in Astrology - Scorpio is the 8th House in Astrology

This is a great time to do things with passion and intent. You could find that you have excellent concentration and a sharp focus today. Avoid a tendency to get too intense. Avoid saying the wrong thing, making rude exchanges with others and make sure to treat your closest relationships with extra care. Some people will tend to go to extremes, get jealous and overreact. This is a great time to troubleshoot, solve problems or do extensive research.

It's definitely considered a favored time for sex, intimacy and deeply committed relationships. Pay attention to your gut instincts and spend time with someone you love. You can find sex to be explosive and full of intense chemistry. It's no wonder that Scorpio is called the sign of sex. Try not to take any disappointments too hard and don't be critical of yourself, as this is another issue that could crop up under the Scorpio Moon

Pay attention to gut feelings, psychic vibes and your intuition today. Scorpio, like Cancer and Pisces, are considered to be the most intuitive Water signs and can count on his or her instincts to be correct. So, follow your intuition, everyone, and tone down any extremes when dealing in your communications. Tempers could flare! Avoid extremes and make love not war today!

The signs of Scorpio and Taurus will be the most popular signs today as they will radiate charm, sex appeal and can make strides in whatever they hope to achieve. Scorpio will capture the attention of strangers and the public, while Taurus might be feeling low on energy but can do extremely well in all personal affairs.

When the Moon transits the sign of Sagittarius in Astrology - Sagittarius is the 9th House in Astrology

Whenever the Moon falls in the sign of Sagittarius, it's a great time to travel, take a weekend getaway or to meet up with friends, throw a party and socialize. Engage in philosophical discussions and plan long range goals as these are especially favored under the Sagittarius lunation. It's an ideal time to influence, inspire and motivate others. You will notice a significant lightness in the air as we all become more happy-go-lucky, optimistic and lighthearted after the heaviness of the intense Scorpio Moon. Take the time this weekend to get outdoors, participate in athletics such as working out or sports activities. We will all be feeling more adventurous and upbeat.

This is a great time to take a risk, gamble or do something you consider to be challenging. This is also a favorable time for teaching, writing and anything related to spirituality. Spend extra time and pay attention to the care of your animals. Also know that this is an ideal time to bring a new pet into your home. Risk taking and adventure beckon today and tomorrow so make sure you get out and about, be adventurous and take that risk you have been contemplating. It could very well pay off.

The signs of Sagittarius and Gemini will be considered most popular today and tomorrow as Sagittarius will feel unstoppable as they can get their way in just about anything they put their mind to and will notice their luck improves when it comes to serious relationships, both business and personal. Gemini can also feel the effects of the Moon in their 7th House of serious relationships. Gemini will be low on energy and feel drained, but despite this, Gemini can make important strides in their most intimate one on one relationship.

When the Moon transits the sign of Capricorn in Astrology - Capricorn is the 10th House in Astrology

When the Moon is in Capricorn, it’s time to start taking care of business. This is not the time for practical jokes or taking unnecessary risks, as people will be ultra serious and in no mood for frivolous comments. Focus on getting your work accomplished, attend to all business affairs and notice that we will all have a stronger sense of focus, so take advantage of these next 2 ½ days to get things in order and cross off your “to do” list. Issues concerning your basic daily obligations, your family, older people, authority figures and even parents will be brought to our attention when the Moon is in Capricorn.

People will expect you to keep your word, promises and deliver on that which you have committed yourself to. It’s also an ideal time to get rid of whatever is not working in your life, period. Whether it’s an old sweater, a bad relationship or items that no longer serve a purpose for you, throw them out! Get rid of any and all dead weight in your life. This is not the time to take a risk or gamble. Since Capricorn rules the bones and teeth, this is an excellent time for getting dental work done and scheduling appointments to see doctors. Capricorn holds rulership over banks, authority figures, fathers, the government and big businesses. Expect these topics to make the news for the next couple of days.

On a personal note, the signs of Capricorn and Cancer will be getting their way in love affairs, business and in general. The signs Capricorn and Cancer will be in the spotlight until Sunday. They will possess extra sex appeal, radiate charm and be highly regarded in their personal and business affairs. These signs can expect things to come easily for them, so step aside and watch out for Capricorn and Cancer. They could turn out to surprise you with their popularity.

When the Moon transits the sign of Aquarius in Astrology - Aquarius is the 11th House in Astrology
This is a great time for aligning yourself with groups and involving yourself in group activities of any kind. This is not an ideal day/time to be alone. Get out of the house if you work from home. Call up your best friends and make plans to cement your closest friendships. The emphasis falls on friendships, the environment, anything futuristic, electronics and technology, especially, will capture interest whenever the Moon is in Aquarius. Humanitarian issues, unity and anything odd and eccentric will appeal to our senses. 

This is a time NOT to take yourself or others too seriously. This IS a great day to engage in something in which you are not well versed and possibly present an original creative idea to others. You will be surprised at the reactions you might receive. Take that risk, wear something over the top and realize that this is a great day to open your mind to anything spiritual, religious and it is also an advantageous time to study esoteric topics. We will all be attracted to anything odd or eccentric today. The issues of friendships, the environment and anything far out and futuristic will be favored activities for the day. Watch out also as this is a time when ex-loves appear, so be on the lookout. You might duck for cover or embrace that special someone from your past. Try to keep an open mind and do something out of your comfort zone. You could be surprised at how fun and easy this can be under this Moon.

The signs of Aquarius and Leo will be in the spotlight today and tomorrow. They will radiate sex appeal and confidence and we will find ourselves inexplicably drawn to these powerful signs. Aquarius will be the most popular and attractive and can make tremendous strides in their personal and professional endeavors today. Leo could be feeling be low on energy and slightly drained but can expect to make enormous progress in love and romance department despite how they might feel physically. So step aside, and let Aquarius and Leo take the spotlight where they tend to shine naturally, charm us with their personal style, leadership abilities and their amazing sense of humor. We could all learn a thing or two from these two movers and shakers of the Zodiac.

When the Moon transits the sign of Pisces in Astrology - Pisces is the 12th House in Astrology
Whenever the Moon is in Pisces, it tends to be a highly creative day. It's an ideal time to follow your imagination, intuition and dreams. Escapist tendencies will abound. The need to escape via food, drinking or harmful/toxic substances can be quite strong for some during this cycle. Channel this energy wisely by getting lost in music, film, dance, the Internet or anything else that captures and fuels your dreams, creativity and spirituality. Reading books, going to the movies, watching television and the Internet would be ideal activities for the Pisces transit. So is spending time alone, helping the less fortunate and being there for anyone who needs extra love and support are all favored activities for this placement. It's an ideal time to focus on someone special as we will all be in Love with the ideas of love today.

On a personal note: Expect the signs of Pisces and Virgo to be center stage today. Pisces will be highly regarded and very attractive to the public while Virgo can get his or her way in love under the Pisces Moon. The signs of Pisces and Virgo will make the news today. They will be considered exceptionally attractive, articulate and entertaining. These signs will surprise all of us with their talents and sex appeal.