
Virgo Sexual Compatibility

Compatibility Rating:

**** It doesn’t get any better than this!
Go for it!

*** This sign can teach you more about
sex and love relationships.

** Think twice because you may live
to regret it.

* What were you thinking?

Virgo and Aries:
They will communicate well and understand one another instantly. Aries will adore Virgo intelligence. Virgo will want to immediately seduce Aries. Attraction heats up quickly and a romantic relationship could follow. Virgo is a huge turn on for sexually intense Aries. Sexual and romantic compatibility will be mutually satisfying.

Family matters and loyalty will keep these two together. Aries must not play any head games with Virgo or there will be a price to pay. Virgo needs to keep Aries grounded and both will be happy. The attraction between them will be strong enough to survive any emotional storms.
Compatibility rating: ***

Virgo and Taurus:
Both share an amazing ability to communicate and understand one another. Their conversations get better over time and so does the relationship. They will understand each other’s goals and hopes for the future. There is an unspoken bond here that once established hardly ever gets broken. Virgo is a keeper for sexy Taurus. They will provide each other with what the other person instinctively needs and desires sexually.

Sexual and romantic compatibility will be explosive. This is especially good combination for sex and love. Taurus must not play any head games with Virgo or there will be a price to pay. The prognosis for a long- term involvement is excellent.

Relatives can sometimes be a problem for these two. Focus on healing yourselves and each other and you will have a mate for life.
Compatibility rating: ****

Virgo and Gemini:
These two mutable signs can produce power, money and a lifetime friendship. Often, many marriages take place when these intellectual signs attract. There is physical attraction and plenty of stimulating conversation to be had when these two hook up. Virgo is someone who will stick with Gemini through good times and bad. This is something both need to feel secure. This is a mix that promises fun, games and a major sexual attraction.

Ruled by Mercury, planet of communication, these two have much in common and conversation will never get boring although the sex might. Virgo is a keeper and Gemini really should make sure they don’t let this sexy sign get away. Stick around for this one, Virgo.
Compatibility rating: ***

Virgo and Cancer:
This is a compatible pairing that produces sex, love and a possible marriage. Cancer is a Water sign and Virgo is an Earth sign. These two friends will bond for life on a sexual, spiritual and romantic level. They will find one another physically alluring and very sensual. Virgo is supposed to be the virgin, but Cancer will laugh when they hear that. Virgo will be kinky in bed and turn on Cancer.

There is an element of surprise when these two signs merge in a relationship. There are also secrets and mysteries Cancer brings into this relationship. Cancer and Virgo are considered lucky together and can make more money and their dreams can become realities. Cancer rewards Virgo loyalty and together they can build a home and a family.

They will remain lifelong friends if the sexual relationship ends. Children will play a role eventually.
Compatibility rating: ****

Virgo and Leo:
They will communicate well and understand one another. Leo will adore Virgo’s mind and Virgo will want to seduce Leo in front of everyone. Attraction heats up quickly and a romantic relationship could follow. Virgo will support Leo through good times and bad. Leo is a keeper for sexy Virgo. Sexual and romantic compatibility will be volcanic. This is especially good combination for sex and love.

Family matters and loyalty will keep these two together. Leo must not play any mind games with Virgo or there will be a serious price to pay. Virgo will need to exercise patience, and tolerance for Leo to be happy with the relationship. The attraction between them will have to be very strong because secrets and infidelity could damage these two. Leo will bring secrets to the relationship. Virgo will cool things when they feel deceived.
Compatibility rating: ***

Virgo with Virgo:
These two signs can produce power, money and families together. There is physical attraction and plenty of sensuality when these two meet. This is a highly rewarding association that has both long and short term potential. Go slow in the sex department. There could be an over abundance of intellectual stimulation here.

Over time, one or the other could come to the conclusion that something is missing. It could be a case of having too much in common. All relationships need balance. Make sure you are really in love or one of you could walk away regretting the experience. Take it slow for best results.
Compatibility rating: ***

Virgo with Libra:
Both share an amazing ability to communicate and understand one another. You two will support each other through good times and bad. Virgo is a keeper for sexy Libra. Sexual and romantic compatibility will be intoxicating. This is especially good combination for sex and love. Family matters will keep these two together. Virgo must not keep secrets from Libra or there will be a price to pay.

Virgo needs to keep Libra balanced and both will be happy. The prognosis for a long-term involvement is excellent provided no secrets are kept from each other. Relatives and secrets can sometimes be a problem for these two. The truth will set you both free. Think about it!
Compatibility rating: **

Virgo and Scorpio:
You share an ability to communicate, empathize and understand one another. Your conversations get better over time and so does the sexual relationship. There is an unspoken bond between Scorpio and Virgo that once established, will hardly ever be broken. Virgo is a keeper for sexy Scorpio and vice versa. You will provide each other with what the other person instinctively needs and desires sexually. Sexual and romantic compatibility will be volcanic.

A strong friendship and loyalty will keep these two together. Scorpio must not play any head games with Virgo or there will be a serious price to pay. Virgo will help keep Scorpio grounded and healthy. The prognosis for a long-term love is excellent. Focus on healing yourselves and you both will have found a mate for life. Working out together would be a great aphrodisiac.
Compatibility rating: ****

Virgo and Sagittarius:
You will communicate well and understand one another. Sagittarius will adore Virgo’s mind and Virgo will want to immediately seduce Sagittarius. Attraction heats up quickly and a romantic relationship could follow. Virgo will support Sagittarius through good times and bad. Virgo is a keeper for sexy Sagittarius. Sexual and romantic compatibility will be intense and passionate.

This is especially good combination for sex and love. Friendship and compatibility will keep these two together. Sagittarius must not play any head games with Virgo or there will be a serious price to pay. Virgo needs to keep Sagittarius grounded and both will be happy. The attraction between them will be strong enough to survive any emotional storms. Sagittarius could make the final decision.
Compatibility rating: ***

Virgo and Capricorn:
Both share an amazing ability to communicate and understand one another. Their conversations get better over time and so does the relationship. They will understand each other’s goals and hopes for the future. These two will support each other through good times and bad. They will provide each other with what the other person instinctively needs and desires sexually. Sexual and romantic compatibility will be explosive.

You can’t go wrong with this astrological combination, period. Strong feelings and loyalty will keep these two together. Amazing sex and falling in love often result with this combination. The prognosis for a long-term involvement is excellent. A home and family could develop over time.
Compatibility rating: ****

Virgo and Aquarius:
This can be a very challenging and exciting encounter with both the element of surprise, and friendship turning sexual fast. Virgo and Aquarius are an interesting combination of passion, friendship and sexuality. Social activities will keep the relationship stimulating and highly erotic. Virgo is a sign that will keep Aquarius grounded. Both desire sex, friendship and share creative abilities.

Over time, one of you may fall in love quickly and suddenly. Keep it light Virgo, and see what develops. Aquarius needs to give Virgo credit for effort and laughter. Virgo is not as shy as Aquarius would like to believe. When Aquarius becomes silent, Virgo will feel the need to escape. For this to work: plan trips and travel together. Build a connection based on substance and you could create memories of a lifetime together.
Compatibility rating: ***

Virgo and Pisces:
There is a saying that opposites attract and Virgo and Pisces are a perfect example of this phrase. When these two meet, there is instant curiosity and sexual attraction. Pisces will see Virgo as a dream lover and will make every effort to hold onto the sexy and smart Virgo. Virgo will see social and sexual adventures in Pisces and will always leave Pisces longing for more.

Sex will be a strong element that keeps the relationship exciting. Love will blossom over time to the point of a possible marriage. As close as these two get, they never really get together. Pisces could get cold feet at the wrong time and Virgo could get paranoid. Virgo may say the wrong thing at the wrong time. Pisces will view this as manipulation and swim away to safer waters.

For this to work, both signs need to truly understand the definition of commitment. This is crucial for both signs.
Compatibility rating: ****