
New Moon in Gemini Weeklies for 5/28-6/4

There is a New Moon in the dual and methodical sign of Gemini occurring today. Gemini is all about socializing, self-expression/intellect/communications, travel, neighbors and short distance travels. These should be themes for all of us (Gemini component) throughout this week. Mercury, The Sun and the New moon all transit the astrological sign of Gemini today. New Moons bring about new offers. Mercury (planet of communications) enters Cancer on 5/30 (Friday) bringing Cancer a way with words and Capricorns a shot of expressing themselves eloquently and personally with Mercury in their 7th House and Venus in the compatible earth element of Taurus. The week favors Taurus, Virgo and Scorpio in love, presents Gemini and Sagittarius with new offers and Cancers, Virgos and Capricorn can gain the upper hand in their interactions and conversations with significant others this week.

Where will you be most favored this week?

A New Moon falls on 5/28.This New Moon brings about news regarding your 4th House of home, family and domestic arrangements. Gemini is all about socializing and communicating, so you could throw a party or be dealing with new offers and new beginnings in your home life. Your home life is bound to change or at the very least experience an surprise adjustment courtesy of Uranus (things you never saw coming) making a smooth angle to this New Moon. A Virgo, Cancer and a Capricorn will be on your mind and in your heart. 

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 The New Moon falls in Gemini. Gemini is your 3rd House of communication, siblings and relatives. This New Moon is a day to circle on your calendar, Aries. You notice on this date that life looks brighter and new offers via neighbors, family and within your social and romantic circle will be presented to you throughout the week. Your powers of persuasion will be strong and others will admire your appearance, sense of humor and personality. A Cancer, Capricorn and a Sagittarius promise to elevate your morale. 

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 This New Moon impacts your 2nd House of finances and self-worth. This Moon brings about possible new offers where money and business are involved. This could happen rather suddenly as Uranus (events you dreamed possible) creates an angle to this Moon suggesting more money is a serious and unexpected possibility. Realize that offers you receive seem to come out of nowhere but have a serious nature to them. An Aries, Libra and a Scorpio figure in your personal and professional pursuits. 

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 A New Moon occurs in your 1st House of appearances today, Gemini). This New Moon finds you in an upbeat mood as you bond closer to friends and gain appreciation for those around you. You can make tremendous strides and receive offers when dealing with the public, personal and professional aspects of your life. Romance is front and center and some sweet surprises are in store for single and coupled Gemini under this favored New Moon. Another Gemini, Leo and a Sagittarius help you combine business with pleasure.

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A New Moon occurs in Gemini today, Cancer. Gemini is your 12th House of privacy and secrets. You can tap into your subconscious and notice that your powers of persuasion are on point - behind closed doors. Anything you do behind the scenes proves to be lucky for you this week, Cancer. You might/could also come to private conclusions and revelations about yourself that you might have been previously unaware of. Self awareness and greater insight into your own motivations become evident to you throughout the week, Cancer. An Aries, Leo and a Pisces encourage you to finish what you have started this week.

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A New Moon occurs in Gemini, your 11th House of friendships, hopes and your wishes, Leo. This New Moon finds you in an upbeat mood as you bond closer to your friends, associates and gain a greater appreciation of these relationships. You make tremendous strides and receive serious offers and assistance when interacting with colleagues. With the Sun, Mercury and a New Moon in your 11th House, you can outwit any competition throughout the week, Leo. A Cancer, another Leo and an Aquarius want to see/help you succeed.

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 A New Moon falls in Gemini on 5/28. Gemini is your 10th House of prestige and career matters. This New Moon brings career issues front and center. You could begin a new job, leave an old one or be presented with new offers in your place of employment. New Moons bring about new offers and your work ethic is apparent and appreciated by those who matter. Some other possibilities? You may receive a raise or bonus, you may begin a new business venture - either going solo or perhaps joining forces with a long standing friend. You're capable of becoming the boss on this New Moon, Virgo! Be honest with yourself though when it comes to your job/career this week. A Gemini, Libra and an Aquarius will inspire you and help you see the bigger picture.

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A New Moon in Gemini occurs on 5/28. Gemini is your 9th House of your worldviews and rules your spirituality. It's all about travel, new offers and your personal philosophy on this New Moon. Higher education could also figure into this scenario. Pay attention to your personal desires this week and know that offers and opportunities will come your way especially where travel, legalities and higher education are involved. A Taurus, Leo and another Libra will have good news to impart.

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A New Moon in Gemini occurs on 5/28. New Moons can bring about new offers. Gemini is an air sign and not the most compatible element as Air and Water are not an ideal combination, Scorpio. Unless you have an Ascendant, Moon, Venus or Mars in an air sign or element, then you will enjoy the offers that you receive this week. This New Moon could find you being presented with offers quite unexpectedly. Gemini is your 8th House of finances, resources and other peoples money. Uranus (Things you never imagined or thought would happen) is involved in this New Moon and makes a smooth angle to this Moon indicating whatever you hear will be serious and bring about possible financial expansion into your life. A Gemini, Leo and another Scorpio present you with tempting offers.

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 A New Moon occurs in your 7th House of marriage, divorce and contracts today - 5/28. You could hear news regarding one of these topics or you could be presented with an offer that seems too good to be true. Uranus (Things you never saw coming) is involved in this New Moon, so whatever occurs will have an element of surprise to it. A legal contract, marriage agreement or legal papers of some type could work in your favor. You can also work out any differences and sort through any kinks with a love interest this week.  Expect new opportunities where a serious relationship is involved, personal and or professional, or both. A Taurus, Leo and a Scorpio will be made aware of your talents, contributions and mystique.

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 A New Moon falls in your 6th House on 5/28. This is an exceptionally good week to ditch a bad habit, get your health routines organized and to make sure your health is optimal, your work life flows and your work space are all in sync. Single or coupled, Capricorn will be most concerned with their physical appearance throughout the week. Uranus (Things you never saw coming) is involved in this New Moon, so events that transpire will help you focus on your routines and health regimes (Seemingly out of nowhere), Capricorn. A Gemini, Virgo and a Scorpio have ideas that will stand out to you.

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The New Moon occurs in Gemini, your 5th House of children, love and creative projects on 5/28. With The Sun, a New Moon and Mercury in your 5th House, good news is bound to come your way this week. Hobbies, creative pursuits and time spent with a love interest will be uplifting and reassuring. Single Aquarius will notice more opportunities to meet someone special while couples decide to travel, spend more time with children or take a risk. This will be a week when  Aquarius can do no wrong. Uranus - your ruling planet - forms a smooth angle to this Moon suggesting that events you never imagined or thought possible come out of seemingly nowhere and involve creative projects. This is good news, Aquarius! A Taurus, Virgo and a Capricorn will share your fantasies.

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