
Libra Sexual Astrology Compatibility

Read how Astrology influences your love, carer and money. See how the stars influence your life!

Compatibility Rating:

**** It doesn’t get any better than this!
Go for it!

*** This sign can teach you more about
sex and love relationships.

** Think twice because you may live
to regret it.

* What were you thinking?

Libra and Aries:
Libra is ruled by Venus and is exceptionally attractive to Aries. Libra’s effortless beauty and social graces are what Aries secretly desires. These zodiac opposites will share lots of laughter together and go to the hottest parties. It will seem like a constant party. Aries provides substance and intensity to Libra. The attraction could lead to marriage. Libra could find Aries aggressiveness a bit extreme for their tastes. Give each other space and both can survive the rough waters. This relationship gets better over time. The potential for sex is very promising. Libra will help Aries get a makeover and perhaps a home as well. Aspects are great for marriage. Family issues will dominate over time.
Compatibility rating: ****

Libra and Taurus:
Libra and Taurus are both ruled by Venus, planet of beauty. Libra’s effortless beauty and social graces are what Taurus seeks in a partner. They will think alike and both appreciate beauty and prestige. It will seem like a constant party. They will balance each other out beautifully. Taurus provides substance and intensity to Libra. Libra lifts Taurus out of the darkness and into greater optimism. Libra could find Taurus dark moods a little bit extreme for their tastes. Taurus may feel the need for more understanding and devotion at times with Libra. This relationship gets better over time. Long- term love will depend on both individuals’ goals. Here is someone who will help Taurus dress better and get out of the house once in a while. Sometimes we all need a reality check. Family issues will dominate over time. Family will play an important role in this association.
Compatibility rating: ***

Libra and Gemini:
When Gemini meets Libra, they will see a future and perhaps a true romantic connection. Both are air signs and can talk all night long together. Gemini will love the beauty and social charms of Libra. Gemini will see an “equal” partner and could want to make a relationship with Libra permanent. Libra will see conversation and great sex with Gemini. This is a truly promising pair that has the ability to go places together. Gemini will need to focus more on romance to hold on to sexy Libra. Libra will just have to look beautiful and be social which will be easy for them. These two signs should go get a room and see what develops. Long-term love will make both feel exceptionally secure.
Compatibility rating: ****

Libra and Cancer:
These two could stumble upon each other almost anywhere and wind up getting married the next day. There are strange but true occurrences when a Cancer and Libra meet. These two cannot get enough of one another and Libra will truly appreciate the sensitive side of Cancer. There will be a lot of baby talk, gifts given and displays of romance. Sex will be great with Libra, and Cancer can sexually energize Libra in a way like no other. This is a memorable and worthwhile encounter that has potential for children and marriage. Cancer must brush up their social skills while Libra could learn a few lessons about patience and tolerance from Cancer. These two will balance each other out beautifully. There are too many promising aspects for sex and love to ignore. Cancer will create a sparkle in Libra’s eyes. Experience this relationship while you can.
Compatibility rating: ***

Libra and Leo:
Libra is ruled by Venus and is especially attractive to Leo. Leo also appreciates the beauty and social graces that Libra possesses. Leo brings music and romance into Libras life. Libra will appreciate the drama and sex appeal of Leo. The attraction could lead to marriage. Libra may find Leo’s possessive side a bit extreme for their tastes. This relationship will either get better over time or it will eventually collapse. The potential for sex is very good. Leo will help Libra get a makeover. Aspects are great for a sexual relationship. The issue of marriage will dominate over time.
Compatibility rating: ****

Libra and Virgo:
Both share an amazing ability to communicate and understand one another. You two will support each other through good times and bad. Virgo is a keeper for sexy Libra. Sexual and romantic compatibility will be intoxicating. This is especially good combination for sex or a long-term friendship. Family matters will keep these two together. Virgo must not keep secrets from Libra or there will be a price to pay. Virgo needs to keep Libra balanced and both will be happy. The prognosis for a long- term involvement is excellent provided no secrets are kept from each other. Relatives and secrets can sometimes be a problem for these two. The truth will set you both free. Think about it!
Compatibility rating: **

Libra with Libra:
In Astrology, some critics insist that two astrological signs together in romance are not the easiest mix. I disagree with this theory, especially with the Libra/Libra combination. With so much beauty and potential in this relationship, it’s easy to see why these two signs attract each other in the first place. Both are ruled by Venus, planet of beauty, and will find the other sexually irresistible. This is a sexy, classy and extremely compatible pairing. These two will insist that each has met the right person. Libra will always be romantic, social and outgoing. There can never be too much of a good thing. Sex will be powerful: love really can take their breath away.
Compatibility rating: ****

Libra and Scorpio:
Libra is ruled by Venus and is especially attractive to Scorpio. Libra’s graceful beauty and social charm are what Scorpio secretly desires. These next-door neighbors in the zodiac will share lots of laughter together and become close friends quickly. Scorpio provides substance and intensity to Libra. Sexual compatibility is possible here but with Scorpio, it is all or nothing. Libra could find Scorpio’s dark side a bit extreme. Scorpio may feel the need for more understanding and devotion with Libra. Maintain a healthy balance to the relationship and you should be able to survive any stormy periods. Libra will help Scorpio become stylish and get out of the house once in a while. Libra will benefit as well by getting more in sync with the mysterious side of life. Family issues bring financial pressure over time if a marriage occurs.
Compatibility rating: ***

Libra and Sagittarius:
Libra is ruled by Venus and is very seductive and classy. Libra’s charming beauty and positive outlook are what Sagittarius seeks in a love/sexual relationship. These two will share lots of laughter together and may even share a home. Sagittarius provides substance and intensity to Libra. The attraction leads to sex, love and may conclude with marriage. This relationship grows sexier and more romantic over time. Libra will help Sagittarius get a home and together they will travel. Friends could also be a source of gossip and or jealousy. A strong attraction will survive any emotional dramas or showdowns. Sagittarius must work on loyalty if they want “classy” Libra to stick with them in sickness and in health.
Compatibility rating: ****

Libra and Capricorn:
Both share an amazing ability to communicate and understand one another. You two will support each other through the good times and the bad. Sexual and romantic compatibility will be subtle at first, but will get hotter over time. A sense of balance and loyalty will keep these two together. Capricorn must keep Libra balanced and both will be happy. The prognosis for a long- term involvement is excellent provided no secrets are kept from each other. Relatives can sometimes be a problem for these two. The truth will set you both free. Think about it! These two will experience an unorthodox lifestyle together if they settle down eventually.
Compatibility rating: **

Libra and Aquarius:
Libra will find the love they have been looking for with Aquarius. Aquarius will see adventure, excitement and relief from boredom with beautiful and charming Libra. Together, these two can build a sexual relationship that will grow warmer over time. There will be “instant” attraction that escalates to an “undying” attraction when these two meet and hook up for the first time. This relationship could start out fast and stay that way forever. Libra will conclude that Aquarius is the only one for them and vice versa. The sooner these two get a room, the better off everyone will be. Go for it, Libra! This relationship most likely will lead to a long-term love. Aspects for a marriage are extremely good.
Compatibility rating: ****

Libra and Pisces:
These two will drink, dance and make music together. Both are talented, social and appreciate the good life. There will be fun, variety and attraction when these two are together. Libra will see a future and security with Pisces. Pisces will see class and style and will want to show off Libra in public. This could be a lasting and memorable romance. There will be a strong family tie involved in the relationship at some point. If both are committed to being committed to one another, then aspects are very good for long-term love. Sex will be very passionate and Pisces may want to make it legal. Avoid secrets and go for it. Children could be a surprise here!
Compatibility rating: ***