
Gemini September Forecast

The Sun transits your 4th House of family, residence, motherhood, the past, ownership, community and property issues. Expect these areas to play important roles in your life throughout the month of September, Gemini.

As September begins, Mercury (communications, travel and your intellectual nature) will be in Virgo. Virgo is a critical and fault finding sign, so the atmosphere in the air could seem overly critical this month. Details and the fine print take on greater significance/importance. With Mercury in your 4th House the accent falls on home, security, long term negotiations and property. Whatever has been stalled in these areas in the past begins to move forward and shows signs of progress throughout this transit. Take some time to get closer to your relatives, siblings and extended family members for ideal results. This is also your time of the year to get organized in every sense. Spruce up your home, make repairs and focus on finishing and NOT beginning projects. Mercury (your ruling planet) enters Libra on 9/9 and stays there until 9/28. With Mercury in your 5th House, you're ready for some serious fun and games. Friends, loves and the public will find you charming, Gemini. Expect greater contact with friends, increased social activity and time spent with children to be areas that favor you. If in doubt regarding an ongoing romance, seek the advice of close friends, as their input will be invaluable and can help you come to the right conclusions where romance is involved.  
Mars (physical energy/motivation and drive) occupies the month in Leo, a compatible air sign that rules your 3rd House of short trips, siblings and self expression. With Mars in Leo, you tend to come alive and seek out approval and appreciation from others. Mars will be in Leo until 10/15. The placement of Mars in Leo can bring accidents when you're in motion, so pay special attention when you drive, exercise or just even while out and about. The good news?  Mars in Leo brings you an ability to effectively communicate with others and brings about accelerated social activity. You could experience some discord with a romantic partner with Mars in Leo, however.
Venus (love, romance and finances) begins the month in Libra. Libra is your 5th House of love and romance and Venus will be in Libra until 9/11. Venus will enter Scorpio on 9/11 through 10/7. Scorpio is your 6th House of repair and maintenance issues. With Venus in your 6th House, you prosper through taking care of health, career issues, daily work, your routines and nutrition. Females will prove to be helpful. Keep in mind that Scorpio is the sign of extremes and this transit could find you extra motivated and focused on the bottom line where your health and career matters are involved. Venus in Scorpio also increases your intuition greatly. Pay attention from the 11th through the end of the month. You might not agree with everyone but you will realize and conclude what is best for you in terms of career and health issues.

A New Moon forms in Virgo on 9/5. This New Moon impacts your 4th House of home and family matters. Jupiter (planet of expansion) is involved in this Moon and brings about a major change regarding your current residence. You learn about a pregnancy, a parent moves in, a child moves out: there are changes on the horizon on or around this date. No matter what transpires you will be dealing with a change in your home life, like it or not.   
A Full Moon forms in Pisces on 9/19. This Full Moon impacts your 10th House of prestige. Jupiter creates a smooth and beneficial angle to this Full Moon.  Pluto and Jupiter bring some relief regarding greater income and/or promotions at your place of business. Gemini will enjoy this Full Moon, since it will be bringing news that promises to benefit you.
On 9/20 Pluto turns direct in your 8th House of power, sexuality and other people's money. Your popularity is restored and you can move forward confidently in areas having to do with taxes, insurance, mortgages and finances.    

A Taurus, Leo and a Scorpio will be involved. A Taurus finds you attractive and could want more than you're willing to give in a personal or professional matter. Take your time with Taurus throughout this month and try not to rush into a commitment without giving it some serious forethought.  A Leo also desires a greater commitment or more time with you. Travel will be involved in this relationship. You and Leo could make a relationship official this month or, conversely, decide to part ways. With a Scorpio, focus on physical fitness, diet and nutrition.
Stand out dates: 5th, 9th 11th, 14th 19th & 20th