
Venus in Scorpio

This past week, Venus (Planet of love, money and good vibes) changed signs from Libra (Partnerships/marriage) into Scorpio (Sex and deeply committed relationships) on 12/4 and will remain in Scorpio until 12/30. Venus isn’t as comfortable in the sign of Scorpio this is the planet that naturally rules Taurus and Libra but that doesn’t mean love isn’t in the air. Love is in the air and couples bond even closer during Venus in Scorpio. Scorpio is all about deeply committed relationships and sex and love can feel explosive with the right person! Your heart will know exactly where you stand during this all or nothing time in love and relationships.

This is a favorable time for Scorpios to begin new projects, initiate a new chapter and Venus can be generous when it comes to personal and professional affairs. Scorpios will benefit most from this transit that lasts until 9/13, so make the most of this powerful energy Scorpio! tone down any hint of impatience or there could be some conflicts, misunderstandings and arguments.

Best advice: If you are a Taurus or a Scorpio, NOW is an ideal time to begin a new chapter, love affair, start a new business and generally make the most of this time as Mars promises to bring you good timing in your personal and professional life. Why Taurus? Because, Taurus is Scorpios 7th House of marriage and legal contracts. 

All signs will feel the effects of Venus in the passionate and secretive sign of Scorpio but Scorpio has the most offers during this transit and can change/transform his or her life overnight if they wish to.

Where does Venus in Scorpio impact your sign and how will this transit benefit you?   

Aries - You could receive a raise or someone close to you could boost your financial status, such as a romantic partner. Remember, where Venus travels is where you are most likely to benefit. The 8th House also rules insurance, taxes and mortgages. You could get a break in one of these areas and you will gain a deeper understanding of romantic relationship(s) Caution: You could get emotional or jealous easily. On the flip side, you and a partner enter a new and improved side of your relationship. Another Aries and a Libra have secrets to share with you.

Taurus - Scorpio is your 7th House of marriage. This transit heightens your relationship with your partners, business and professional. There is a new and improved appreciation for all areas of the 7th House. If single, you could attract a new love interest. Couples will get closer and remember what brought them together.  

Gemini - Scorpio is your 6th House of daily work. An office romance could be in the picture during this time. Singles could meet someone new at the office while couples will find their communication more intense during this transit. An Aries and another Gemini would love to spend some "one on one" time with you, Gemini, single or coupled.

Cancer - Scorpio is your 5th House of passion, children and romance. Your love life will light up in a major way. Since Scorpio is a naturally intense and intuitive sign, you might find yourself in a choosy mood when it comes to picking the perfect person. You could find flaws in a potential partner but you will have more opportunities to meet the person of your dreams, Cancer. Coupled Cancers can bond closer while singles need to realize that there is no such thing as perfection. Children and creative ventures will be areas that bring you joy. A Gemini and a Leo could capture your heart. A Scorpio is also involved.

Leo - Scorpio is your 4th House of home, family and relatives. Love begins at home during this transit for all Leos, single or coupled. Coupled Leos will find their love life brings great fulfillment while single Leo could meet the love of his or her life through a relative, a family member or in their neighborhood. A Cancer, Scorpio and a Pisces could bring some past memories to life. Keep your options open, Leo! You will know instinctively when you're with the perfect partner.

Virgo - Scorpio is your 3rd House of communications, Virgo. Venus in Scorpio will bring happiness and love via your daily life, through siblings and while out and about. Singles could meet someone they feel a strong bond with quite unexpectedly. Single or married, Virgo is seeking a partner during this transit that is sexual, intuitive and on his or her wavelength. No other relationship will do.

Libra - Scorpio is your 2nd House of finances. With Venus in Scorpio, Libra will know exactly where they stand when it comes to their finances. There will be a feeling of ease when it comes to financial security and this Venus placement features gifts, a boost in income and more money at your disposal.

Scorpio - This should be one of the best times for your sign in romance all year, Scorpio. Singles could meet the one while couples feel more connected than ever. Sexual and romantic chemistry will be off the charts, single or coupled. An ongoing relationship makes it to the next level during this time and Scorpio will find a better structure for their relationship that works for both parties involved. You could meet exciting people and romantic adventure will beckon. A Taurus, Leo and an Aquarius have ideas that appeal to you, Scorpio. 

Sagittarius - Scorpio is your 12th House of secrets and issues past. There could be a relationship taking place in secret or you could find out about one that is occurring during this time. What you uncover could surprise you but you might have to learn about what has been hidden in order to move on. Remember, Venus brings love without much effort of your part so whatever transpires will benefit you in the long run. Your secrets or the secrets of others will come to your attention and it's better to know what is really happening than to bury your head in the sand! A Gemini, Scorpio and a Capricorn are involved. 

Capricorn - Scorpio is your 11th House of friendships. Your friendships will function smoothly and you might expect some drama when it comes to these associations. There could also be some dramatic moments when it comes to groups and long term friends. Everyone wants your attention during this time, Capricorn. You could discover a romance with a friend or meet the love of your life through friends and any groups to which you belong. A Taurus, Gemini and a Libra have advice that could change your life. Listen to these dear friends, Capricorn.

Aquarius - Scorpio is your 10th House of prestige. Your career and public reputation will delight you as new opportunities come your way, professionally. You will be attracted to those who exert power, people in positions of authority and those with who you do business. If socializing, you could meet someone who intrigues you out of the blue. Be aware that there could be some romantic entanglements if you're already involved. This is your time of year to get out and about. A Virgo and a Pisces are your soul mates this week. You could be thinking of someone once close to you. Make that call, Aquarius!

Pisces - Scorpio is your 9th House of spirituality, Pisces. Single Pisces could meet someone from a foreign country or be dealing with a love interest from a distance. Since the 9th House also rules worldviews, you could have met the person who you feel completes you. Coupled or single, it's time for Pisces to mix up their love life and singles can meet someone who shares the same passions as they do. Coupled Pisces will be thinking about ways to expand their relationship.

Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball