
Gemini June Forecast for 2013

It's a month to grab the spotlight and shine, Gemini. Mars (Physical Energy/Motivation) entered your sign on 5/31 bringing the ability to work the room like no one else. Mars also brings about heightened physical energy and the ability to be persistent until you get whatever it is that you desire, Gemini. Expect your sexuality to be heightened and your motivation to be off the charts. You can move mountains this month when it comes to your personal, social and professional life. This is your month to show others what you're capable of in every facet of your life. People will respond to you and men will be especially helpful in certain areas. Mars will be in your sign until 7/13. 

Venus (Love) will enter Cancer (your 2nd House of income and personal possessions) beginning 6/2 - 6/26. Finances and money will be looking up for you during Venus in Cancer. Work performed in the past catches up with you and you could be the recipient of unexpected profit. Cancer is an intuitive water sign and can heighten your intuition, so pay serious attention to what your instincts tell you about your finances and possessions throughout this transit. Venus brings harmony to this area of your life. Expect women to be helpful where love and money and offers to make more money are involved.

Mercury (your ruling planet) begins the month also in the sign of Cancer.  Take full advantage of this transit while it lasts (before Mercury retrogrades). Mercury will be retrograde from 6/26 throughout July - until 7/20. Whenever your ruling planet retrogrades, the areas of travel, communication and self expression can suddenly seem to slow down. With Mars in your sign during this transit, you might not feel the effects of this retrograde as intensely as you normally do, but you must remember that Mars can bring on aggression. Tone down the impulse to criticize when plans stall or you feel misunderstood. 

The big news this month is the planet Jupiter (which has been in your 1st House since last summer) transiting from Gemini into Cancer. On 6/25, Jupiter will enter your 2nd House for a year long stay. During this time, you can expect expansion and movement where your possessions, finances and a serious relationship are involved. This transit promises to bring about expansion, growth and prosperity where your career, money and personal relationships are involved.    

A New Moon occurs in your sign on 6/8. This is a day to circle on your calendar, Gemini. New Moons bring new offers and this date will feature Jupiter (Expansion. growth and prosperity) and Mars (Motivation). Both will be travelling in your sign. This brings about personal progress, professional progress and focus on your hopes and wishes as they relate to all areas of your life. Mars brings action while Jupiter brings expansion and this day will be a memorable one.

A Full Moon occurs in Capricorn on 6/23. Capricorn is your 8th House of power, control and resources you share with others. This Full Moon can find you preoccupied with a career matter or ongoing professional concern. With Mars in your sign you receive help to mitigate any concerns or doubts you might have. This day promises to have a decisive element to it. You get down to business on this Full Moon and formulate a plan of action that relates to your income and shines a light on a professional matter.

The signs of Aries, Libra and a Scorpio play serious roles in your personal and professional affairs throughout June, Gemini. A Taurus will play a special role.

Lucky colors - pale blue, navy and turquoise