
Scorpio Yearly Forecast - Addicted to Astrology 2016

Scorpio Yearly Forecast - Addicted to Astrology 2016

You're ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation and power, Scorpio.You're also co ruled by Mars, the planet of passion, physical sexuality/sexual energy and can be prone to aggression and Mars also incites passion and war. Your ruling planet, Pluto, has been transiting the sign of Capricorn, your 3rd House since 2008. This area of your life has gone through slow but massive changes involving all methods of transportation, travel, siblings, neighborhood matters, the internet and your neighbors. These areas have changed drastically, transformed, and when you think back to 2008, you should be able to clearly see how this has played out for you, Scorpio. Remember the 3rd House also rules communications so, you might surprise yourself and other closest to you with your ability to express yourself eloquently. Use this transit wisely by thinking about the words you choose. It is imperative that you learn to deal with changes with siblings, neighbors, where short distance travel is involved and with all relatives. Expect to see a total tear down in order to rebuild (transformation) in these areas and when you look back at 2008, you can see how this planet has played out for you so far especially where these areas are involved, Scorpio.

Where you get Lucky and most Fortunate in 2016, Scorpio!

Jupiter (Success/Expansion and Prosperity) begins 2016 in the compatible Earth Sign of Virgo, your 11th House of friendships, group affiliations, your hopes/wishes and sometimes people or loves from your past can arrive during this expansive time. Jupiter is the planet that naturally rules Sagittarius and while it is considered the planet of luck in mainstream Astrology, it also relates to spiritual matters, publishing and your own personal views or any belief systems to which you may or may not affiliate yourself with, such as spirituality. In the first half on 2016, Scorpio will find friendships, their hopes and wishes under the spotlight. Opportunities for greater closeness are open to you this year. Jupiter will exit Virgo and enter Libra, your 12th House of privacy, seclusion, hospitals and possible secret matters that need to be kept under lock and key. Jupiter in the 12th House makes sure that any work you do alone will benefit you immensely, You will begin to understand the past more clearly, you could catch a break and or be spending more time alone. Solitude is another property of the 12th House. You will see that during 2016, you have opportunities in these areas and you will see expansion where all properties of the 11th and 12th Houses are involved. Once Jupiter has changed into Libra on 9/9/2016, you will look back and see the progress you made with regards to friends, your hopes and wishes or perhaps your belief systems changed about one or more of these topics and you decided that something wasn't working and perhaps something new needed to replace it. With Jupiter in the 12th House for the last few months of 2016, Scorpios will find that privacy and anything you do in seclusion promises to benefit them (You). Prepare to get ready for 2017, when Jupiter enters your 1st House of image, appearance and makes room for expansion where you shine publicly, Scorpio. Singles could meet someone who is radically different from his or her normal type while couples begin to build an even stronger base and make plans to travel, move in together or expand their families. You will see major changes on the horizon, Scorpio. You could get married, get a promotion, make more money, change your home life, move to another country and weed out relationships that no longer serve a purpose for you. Until then Jupiter will tour Libra, your 12th House of secrets until 10/10/2017, so its ideal to keep to yourself as much as you see fit and to not disclose personal or pertinent information to anyone during this time that you don't trust 100%.  

Your BEST times / cycles of 2016:

Whenever Venus tours Scorpio, Taurus and Pisces
When Mars tours Scorpio, Taurus or Pisces
Your high cycle time is your Birthday Month
When Jupiter moves through a Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces)

Get to know your Houses - A simple reference guide on how to understand The Houses in your own personal Astrology birth chart that are unique to you and your sign, Scorpio.

 Leo is your 10th House

Virgo is your 11th House

Libra is your 12th House

Scorpio is your 1st House

Sagittarius is your 2nd House

Capricorn is your 3rd House

Aquarius is your 4th House

 Pisces is your 5th House

Aries is your 6th House

Taurus is your 7th House

 Gemini is your 8th House

 Cancer is your 9th House

What does this all mean? It's important in Astrology to know your Houses. It's good to know this because it helps you to learn, for example that Venus (The planet) is (in the sign of) Cancer, you can understand all planets in Astrology that transit through the sign of Cancer) will always transit your 9th House and the 9th House is all about your belief systems, overseas travel, publishing, people from distant lands and advertising. Additionally, when the outer planets such as Neptune (Currently in Pisces - Your 5th House of passion, children and creativity), Pluto (Currently in Capricorn - Your 3rd House of self-expression, siblings and neighborhood matters ) and Uranus (Currently in Aries - Your 6th House of health and daily work/routines) you can really begin to see how Astrology works on a more comprehensive level. 

The signs of Gemini, Libra and a Aquarius will be involved in your year, Scorpio. With Gemini, you two get to work and complete deadlines but expect setbacks and some controversy. A Libra is your closest confidante but something is off this year with this individual. Libra is withholding information with you, Scorpio. Focus on healing, laughter and promote ideas with Libra to loosen this sign up. Libra has been guarded but in 2016, you two find peace and a middle ground although you still feel something (like secrets or information) is missing. With Aquarius, home matters dominate and how. An Aquarius is outgoing, social and someone you admire in 2016. You admire Aquarius takes risks that pay off. Next year is going to be full of surprises and promises to bring about new beginnings. More about this is covered in your 2017 Forecasts, Scorpio! 

Happy New Year!

Painting by Kelly Lynn Kimball
