
Full Moon in Taurus - 10/12/19 - About TAURUS Astrology - The Full Moon in TAURUS

Whenever the Moon enters the sign of Taurus, our senses become suddenly heightened. We can respond more so than normal to the pleasures, comfort and the luxuries of life. There can be an urge to lean on creature comforts, whether this is food, drinks or anything that appeals to our personal senses. Listening to music, having a romantic dinner or spending the night in the company of one you love, like or find to be entertaining are excellent activities to do under the Taurus Moon. It's a time of indulgence when we want what we want, when we want it. Good music, good food and good art and excellent literature are also Taurus territory.

You can expect to find yourself in the mood to treat yourself to something nice. Be aware that you could negotiate a better price for something you have had your eye on as negotiations are particularly well favored during this time. Ask for that discount and you might just get it. You could be surprised to find that people will be in a mood to negotiate, so you could find an item of value during this transit for less than it's priced at. These activities are all favored under the Taurus Moon.

On the practical side, this is also an ideal time to follow up on important projects, lay groundwork for future endeavors and remain as methodical as possible in everything you do. Also, focus on home related activities such as cleaning, spending time watching the sunset or working on any home related projects and/or home repair projects. This is not an ideal time to begin a diet, as we will all have a self-indulgent bent to our day. If you can afford to, this is an excellent time for investments and real estate matters, so keep that in mind as well. Taurus is in love with and all about domesticity, love and harmony.

The signs of Taurus and Scorpio will be the most popular signs today and tomorrow as they will radiate charm, sex appeal and can make strides in whatever they hope to achieve. Taurus will capture the attention of strangers, love and the public, while Scorpio might be feeling low on energy but can do extremely well in all personal and professional affairs. The signs of Taurus and Scorpio can make the news today. They will be considered exceptionally attractive, articulate and entertaining. These signs will surprise all of us with their talents, sensuality and sex appeal.

THE MOOD: INDULGENT, People will be feeling conservative and possessive today. Keep an eye on your budget for ideal results. You could run into stubbornness but your appetite for pleasure will run VERY high. It's a great day to get lost in music and step away from the refrigerator as diets go out the window. You could be craving sweet treats under the Taurus Moon.

It's a GOOD TIME TO: Indulge in passion with someone special, sing, listen to music, garden, purchase/look into real estate, balance your budget, make non-speculative investments, sleep in, relax, send or receive flowers, try out a new restaurant, get a massage, add to an existing or special collection, if you have one. Your powers of concentration will be off the charts, so tend to those VIP people, places and issues!

ABOUT THE FULL MOON IN TAURUS - This is a romantic Full Moon and with the Sun in sexy Scorpio, people will be feeling very ardent and loving. Just be careful as the flip side to this Full Moon is that you could possibly lose something, perhaps a personal possession, wallet or a special someone. Hold your heart close to your vest and chest during this Full Moon. FYI - Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo (fixed signs) will be most vulnerable during this Full Moon.