
Cancer Monthly Forecast


Happy Birthday, Cancer. The month gets off to a quick pace as a New Moon and partial eclipse in Cancer occurs in your 1st House of personality, seductiveness and sex appeal. Additionally, the Suns transit through your First house will be an amazing month for love as Venus (Love) enters your sign on 7/4 - 7/28. It's in your best interest to make the most of these aspects as love and creative opportunities will surround you throughout this month. Venus makes you exceptionally alluring to the opposite/same sex throughout the month so make sure you look your personal best.

Wavy hair and soft flowing fabrics are becoming on you as is the color silver, deep ocean blues and rich peachy corals. Experiment with new colors and try out a new look or hair style and see the results you get. Trust your instincts and you will be able to find the perfect items and manage to land amazing deals as well. Venus in your sign gives you twice the potency to go after what you want, whatever that may be. If you're feeling insecure, lose that feeling since others see you quite differently. You can expect to hear some whispers and some unexpected compliments from people you thought didn't notice you. Expect to hear heartfelt compliments from a Leo, an Aquarius and a few other close friends, family members and even strangers.

On 7/2 Mercury (How you communicate) enters your 2nd House of finance. Expect conversations to revolve around money, especially between 7/2 - 7/28. This is a GREAT time to instigate a new project, new relationship or new endeavor. Any project started during July will have a strong intuitive and creative bent to it. Pay attention to synchronicities as these coincidences can and will let you know if you're on the right path. The only glitch this month will be a full moon in your opposite sign of Capricorn on the 15th. You could receive some news on this date that might ask you to stop, think and possibly readjust your expectations. Rewards for new projects begun this month should manifest as the month comes to an end. Pay attention when a Full Moon occurs on July 30 in your 2nd House of cash. Hard work from the past few months catches up with you and results will become evident. Expect to gain additional assistance from women and people working in the arts and entertainment. This can be a very prosperous month for you; just don't allow your tender emotions or your passionate temper get the best of you.