
Leo Monthly Forecast

The Suns transit in the sign of Cancer falls in your 12th House of secrets, isolation and what you keep hidden from others, Leo. It's always an emotional time whenever the Sun or Moon transits your 12th House, as the 12th House can be an uncomfortable place for most. Emotions tend to escalate and this month could find you in a reflective mood, especially where love and serious relationships are involved. Expect July to be a month in which you reassess love and what it means to be loved. Emotions could escalate to a boiling and or breaking point, so you may need to rein yourself in at times. Come from a centered place when communicating with a love this month. You might need a break or some time away from drama and what may feel like chaos with Saturn in Libra.
Areas such as your health, daily routines and pets have changed/transformed drastically since Pluto entered Capricorn and your 6th House of repair and maintenance. You might notice these areas are changing and events that do occur this month happen fast and furiously. There is a strong need to showcase your speaking skills as you will be able to convince that person you hope to impress back over to your point of view but it's important for you to listen to the ideas of others and not always think you possess all the answers either. Single Leos could be finding the right partner while coupled Leos will sense what exactly is happening in private and matters that are usually kept hidden and confidential.

 Here some good news, Leo. On 7/2 Mercury (communications) enters your sign and assists you with talking your way in and out of contracts and swaying others to your point of view. This is an excellent time for sales and bringing in new customers, clients and business where your career is involved. Additionally, Venus (Love) enters your sign bringing you admiration and recognition for a job well done. Venus will be in your sign, Leo, from 7/28 - 821.

7/1 New Moon in Cancer brings news about your family to your immediate attention

7/15 Full Moon in Capricorn brings news regarding your health and daily routines.

7/30 New Moon in Leo is when the excitement really begins for all Leos in love.