
Sagittarius September


The Sun transit through your 10th House impacts your interactions with authority figures and how the public perceives you, Sagittarius. You will be popular with friends who are additionally in the limelight this month. It's time to get to know those friends you have been missing but will eventually connect with mid month. Prepare for your social life to escalate after 9/14 when Venus (Love) enters Libra (marriage) and your 11th House of friends, groups, your hopes and wishes for the future. Take advantage of this transit that lasts from 9/14 - 10/9. Get close to old friends; reconnect with groups with which you might be affiliated and prepare for an ex to once again reappear. You might be having too much fun to care. There are some who want what they can't have and this situation applies to your life during September, Sagittarius.
Venus in Libra is a time when you could meet Mr. or Ms Right. It is highly likely that your chances for meeting someone new, if single, are practically guaranteed. The key is that you must get out and think outside the box where your social life is involved. Try new places but bring familiar faces with you. Old friendships will be revived while new ones can be intensified. Mars (Drive) enters Leo on 9/18 - 11/11 and brings about passion and chemistry where a certain someone is involved. There will be a profound attraction to someone you meet could light your fire, Sagittarius. The signs of Cancer and a Capricorn could play appealing roles to you, Sagittarius. Coupled Sagittarius will be working on a compromise where delicate family issues are involved. You could come to an agreement where a domestic adjustment is featured. You will know what to do instinctively. 
FYI Sagittarius: PAY SERIOUS ATTENTION TO YOUR CAREER THIS MONTH. This month the new moon in Libra on 9/12 could have some serious ramifications. Realize that the people you interact with between 9/18 - 10/13 will be potential prospects for your private and professional hopes and wishes.  Saturn in Libra will also request that you make sure your future goals are realistic where your income is involved. It also demands that you don't take the easy way out IN ANY CAREER ASSIGNMENT. Saturn (Lessons) is asking you to make certain that you follow your heart and your head where your career is involved. It also demands hard work and won't tolerate short cuts or taking the easy way out. Keep this in mind during this month in the aforementioned areas.  Forewarned is forearmed, Sagittarius.
Your brilliant mind can change the VIPs impression of you instantly. You are a natural speaker this month and you can talk your way in and out of any situation where tension escalates quickly.
New Moon: September 27 falls in Libra and your 11th House of friends. Yes, Sagittarius, it's all about your social life this month. This date can find you falling head over heels for someone, single or coupled. Make sure you are not in love with love as someone could get his or her feelings hurt. Think about what you would want someone you were attracted to or in love with to think.  In other words, choose your words carefully, especially on the 27th when people around you could be more sensitive than you ever suspected. Also, know the difference between lust and love as you might be thinking one thing only to learn the reverse is true. Take nothing for granted where your love life and friendships are involved.
Full Moon: September 12th falls in Pisces and your 4th House of home and family. A celebration could be appropriate as news you receive regarding your home life will thrill you. It's a positive day for you, Sagittarius. Whatever you learn, you will feel grateful.

Lucky colors:  Lilacs, neutrals and coral
Most compatible signs: Cancer and a Capricorn